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BNFDef Properties

The BNFDef type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAggrFunc
If set to true, it means that the definition is related to an aggregation function. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
Public propertyBnf
Array of token references that all together build up the definition of the current token. If the array is not empty, it means that the definition is a BNF rule (qIsBnfRule is set to true). There are a few exceptions where some BNF rules have an empty array (qBnf is empty).
Public propertyBnfLiteral
If set to true, it means that the definition specifies a literal token. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
Public propertyControlStatement
If set to true, it means that the definition specifies a control statement. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
Public propertyDepr
Indicates if a script statement, a chart or a script function is deprecated (not recommended to use). If set to true, it means that the script statement or the function is not recommended for use in Qlik Sense. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
Public propertyFG
Group of the function.
Public propertyFieldFlag
If set to true, it means that the definition is related to a field. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
Public propertyHelpId
Reference identifier to a function described in the documentation.The identifier is stored in the definition of the token containing the function name. Is not used in Qlik Sense.
Public propertyIsBnfRule
If set to true, it means that a list of related rule tokens is assigned to qBnf . This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
Public propertyMT
Type of the data.
Public propertyName
Token name. One of: a rule name an identifier a literal value
Public propertyNbr
Number of the current token definition.
Public propertyPNbr
Number of the parent rule definition.
Public propertyQvFunc
If set to true, it means that the definition is related to a Qlik Sense function. It cannot be an aggregation function. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
Public propertyScriptStatement
If set to true, it means that the definition specifies a script statement. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
Public propertyStr
Literal string of the token. Examples: 'Round' and '('.
See Also