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SheetExtensions Methods

The SheetExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCellAt
Returns the ISheetCell for the row / column
Public methodStatic memberCellFor
Returns the ISheetCell for the object
Public methodStatic memberCellsAt
Returns a list of ISheetCell for the row / column
Public methodStatic memberSetBounds(ISheetCell, Rect)
Set bounds for the object on the sheet
Public methodStatic memberSetBounds(ISheetCell, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Set bounds for the object on the sheet
Public methodStatic memberSetContent
Set NxInfo information on the sheet cell
Public methodStatic memberSetPosition
Set position for the object on the sheet
Public methodStatic memberSetSize
Set size for the object on the sheet
See Also