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Measure Methods

The Measure type exposes the following members.

Public methodApplyPatches

Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties.

It is possible to apply a patch to the properties of a generic object, that is not persistent. Such a patch is called a soft patch. In that case, the result of the operation on the properties (add, remove or delete) is not shown when doing GetProperties and only a GetLayout call shows the result of the operation. Properties that are not persistent are called soft properties. Once the session is over, soft properties are cleared.

Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties.
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodApplyPatchesAsync

Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties.

It is possible to apply a patch to the properties of a generic object, that is not persistent. Such a patch is called a soft patch. In that case, the result of the operation on the properties (add, remove or delete) is not shown when doing GetProperties and only a GetLayout call shows the result of the operation. Properties that are not persistent are called soft properties. Once the session is over, soft properties are cleared.

Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties.
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from QixClassBase.)
Public methodGetGenericMeasure

* Returns the definition of a measure if the target (or handle ) is a measure

* Returns the handle of a measure if the target (or handle) is an app

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetGenericMeasureAsync(AsyncHandle)

* Returns the definition of a measure if the target (or handle ) is a measure

* Returns the handle of a measure if the target (or handle) is an app

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetGenericMeasureAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

* Returns the definition of a measure if the target (or handle ) is a measure

* Returns the handle of a measure if the target (or handle) is an app

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetInfo

Returns the type and identifier of the object.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetInfoAsync(AsyncHandle)

Returns the type and identifier of the object.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetInfoAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Returns the type and identifier of the object.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetLayout
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetLayoutAsync(AsyncHandle)
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetLayoutAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetLinkedObjects

Lists the linked objects to a generic object, a dimension or a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetLinkedObjectsAsync(AsyncHandle)

Lists the linked objects to a generic object, a dimension or a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetLinkedObjectsAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Lists the linked objects to a generic object, a dimension or a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetProperties

Shows the properties of an object.

Returns the identifier and the definition of the measure.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetPropertiesAsync(AsyncHandle)

Shows the properties of an object.

Returns the identifier and the definition of the measure.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodGetPropertiesAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Shows the properties of an object.

Returns the identifier and the definition of the measure.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodPublish

Publishes a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodPublishAsync

Publishes a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodResumeLayout
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodSetProperties

Sets some properties for a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodSetPropertiesAsync

Sets some properties for a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodSuspendLayout
(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodUnPublish

Unpublishes a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
Public methodUnPublishAsync

Unpublishes a measure.

(Inherited from GenericMeasure.)
See Also