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LocationExtensions Methods

The LocationExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberActiveApp
Connect to an already active Qlik Sense app
Public methodStatic memberActiveAppAsync
Connect to an already active Qlik Sense app
Public methodStatic memberApp
Connect to a Qlik Sense app
Public methodStatic memberAppAsync
Connect to a Qlik Sense app
Public methodStatic memberAppsWithNameOrDefault
Connect to a Qlik Sense app with the name, and return a list of apps. If you connect to a server, you can have multiple apps with the same name. On desktop you can only have one app with a specific name.
Public methodStatic memberAppWithId
Connect to a Qlik Sense app with the app id
Public methodStatic memberAppWithIdOrDefault
Connect to a Qlik Sense app with the app id
Public methodStatic memberAppWithName Obsolete.
Connect to a Qlik Sense app with the name
Public methodStatic memberAppWithNameOrCreate
Connect to a Qlik Sense app with the name or create it if it does not exists
Public methodStatic memberAppWithNameOrDefault
Connect to a Qlik Sense app with the name. If you connect to a server, you can have multiple apps with the same name. On desktop you can only have one app with a specific name. If you have multiple apps with the same name on the server this method will return the first app in the list. If you would like to get all the apps with a specific name please use the method AppsWithNameOrDefault.
Public methodStatic memberAsDirectConnection
Defining the location as a direct connection to Qlik Sense using a specific user
Public methodStatic memberAsDirectConnectionToPersonalEdition
Defining the location as a direct connection to Qlik Sense Personal
Public methodStatic memberAsNtlmUserViaProxy
Defining the location as a connection to Qlik Sense using NTLM Authentication
Public methodStatic memberAsStaticHeaderUserViaProxy
Defining the location as a connection to Qlik Sense using a specific user
Public methodStatic memberCreateAppWithName
Create an application with given name
Public methodStatic memberDelete
Deletes the application
Public methodStatic memberGetAppIdentifiers
Get a list of app identifiers
Public methodStatic memberGetAppIdentifiersAsync
Get a list of app identifiers
Public methodStatic memberHasAppWithId
Check if location has app with id
Public methodStatic memberHasAppWithName
Checks if there is an application with a specific name
Public methodStatic memberHub
Connect to the Qlik Sense hub
Public methodStatic memberHubAsync
Connect to the Qlik Sense hub
Public methodStatic memberIsAlive
Checks if the connection is alive
Public methodStatic memberSessionCookie
See Also