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IGenericDimensionApplyPatchesAsync Method

Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties.

It is possible to apply a patch to the properties of a generic object, that is not persistent. Such a patch is called a soft patch. In that case, the result of the operation on the properties (add, remove or delete) is not shown when doing GetProperties and only a GetLayout call shows the result of the operation. Properties that are not persistent are called soft properties. Once the session is over, soft properties are cleared.

Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties. 

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
Task ApplyPatchesAsync(
	IEnumerable<NxPatch> patches,
	AsyncHandle asyncHandle = null


Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableNxPatch
Array of patches
asyncHandle (Optional)
Type: Qlik.EngineAsyncHandle
Handle to asyncronous method request

Return Value

Type: Task
See Also