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IAppFindMatchingFieldsAsync Method (String, IEnumerableString, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves any fields that belong to the same archipelago as the specified field and that match at least one of the specified tags.

Tags set by Qlik Sense are prefixed by the $ sign.

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
Task<IEnumerable<NxMatchingFieldInfo>> FindMatchingFieldsAsync(
	string fieldName,
	IEnumerable<string> tags,
	AsyncHandle asyncHandle = null


Type: SystemString
Name of the field. This method looks for fields that belong to the same archipelago as this specified field. &#160;
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableString
List of tags. This method looks for fields that match at least one of the tags in this list.
asyncHandle (Optional)
Type: Qlik.EngineAsyncHandle
Handle to asyncronous method request

Return Value

Type: TaskIEnumerableNxMatchingFieldInfo
See Also