Qlik Engine API

The Qlik Engine API is a WebSocket protocol that uses JSON to pass information between the Qlik Sense engine and the clients. The Qlik Engine API consists of a set of objects representing apps, lists, and so on. These objects are organized in a hierarchical structure. When you send requests to the API, you perform actions on these objects.

The Qlik Engine API can be used for:

  • creating apps and loading data
  • building stories
  • getting system information

Typical situations where you would use the Qlik Engine API include:

  • building a specialized client as a standalone or web application
  • automating repetitive or complicated updates or changes to apps

To work with the Qlik Engine API, you can use any language or tool that supports WebSockets and can parse JSON. JavaScript is a common and obvious choice, because of its built-in JSON support, and because there are a number of libraries available to make it easier to work with WebSockets.

When you send a request to the Qlik Engine API, you are asking the engine to perform an action on a particular JSON object. You must include the object's handle in the request, as shown in the diagram below. If the response returns an object, that object's handle is included in the response.