post /ondemand/requests

Queues a new On-Demand request.

This endpoint queues a new report generation request. Use the returned request ID to get the status of this request and to download the report upon completion. Note that Qlik Sense selections specified in the On-Demand request must be of type string or numeric; evaluated formulas are not supported.

Request body

request (required)
OnDemandRequest The request to add to the queue.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json

{ "data" : { "reportType" : "Excel", "requestType" : "report", "created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00", "id" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "title" : "aeiou", "outputFormat" : "pdf", "status" : "queued" } }


Accepted. The request has been queued. The status of the request is returned.

One of the following errors has occurred:The request syntax is malformed.A report with the specified ID does not exist.A Qlik entity report was requested, but the specified entity ID is not defined or does not exist.The requested output format is not supported by the requested report.The specified ID is not a valid GUID.

One of the following errors has occurred:The user is not authorized to run an On-Demand request.On-Demand requests are not enabled for this report.The report is disabled.