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IListObjectDef Properties

The IListObjectDef type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoSortByState
Defines the sorting by state.
Public propertyDef
Refers to a dimension stored in the list object.
Public propertyExpressions
Lists the expressions in the list object. This parameter is optional.
Public propertyFrequencyMode
Defines the frequency mode. The frequency mode is used to calculate the frequency of a value in a list object. This parameter is optional. Default is NX_FREQUENCY_NONE.
Public propertyInitialDataFetch
Fetches an initial data set.
Public propertyLibraryId
Refers to a dimension stored in the library.
Public propertyShowAlternatives
If set to true, alternative values are allowed in qData. This parameter is optional. The default value is true. If set to false, no alternative values are displayed in qData. Values are excluded instead. Note that on the contrary, the qStateCounts parameter counts the excluded values as alternative values.
Public propertyStateName
Name of the alternate state. Default is current selections $.
See Also