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ListObjectPager Methods

The ListObjectPager type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetData
Return data for CurrentPages.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetData(IEnumerableNxPage)
Return data for the argument pages, or from CurrentPages if no page argument is provided.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetData(FuncIEnumerableNxPage, IEnumerableNxPage)
Move CurrentPages according to transform and retrieve data from the resulting pages.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetDataAsync
Return data for CurrentPages.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetDataAsync(AsyncHandle)
Return data for CurrentPages.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetDataAsync(IEnumerableNxPage)
Return data for the argument pages, or from CurrentPages if no page argument is provided.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetDataAsync(FuncIEnumerableNxPage, IEnumerableNxPage)
Move CurrentPages according to transform and retrieve data from the resulting pages.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetDataAsync(AsyncHandle, IEnumerableNxPage)
Return data for the argument pages, or from CurrentPages if no page argument is provided.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetDataAsync(AsyncHandle, FuncIEnumerableNxPage, IEnumerableNxPage)
Move CurrentPages according to transform and retrieve data from the resulting pages.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetFirstPage
Move CurrentPages to the first page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetFirstPageAsync
Move CurrentPages to the first page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetFirstPageAsync(AsyncHandle)
Move CurrentPages to the first page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetInitialData
Get data as defined by the InitialDataFetch setting.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetInitialDataAsync
Get data as defined by the InitialDataFetch setting.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetInitialDataAsync(AsyncHandle)
Get data as defined by the InitialDataFetch setting.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetLastPage
Move CurrentPages to the last page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetLastPageAsync
Move CurrentPages to the last page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetLastPageAsync(AsyncHandle)
Move CurrentPages to the last page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetNextPage
Move CurrentPages to the next page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetNextPageAsync
Move CurrentPages to the next page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetNextPageAsync(AsyncHandle)
Move CurrentPages to the next page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetPreviousPage
Move CurrentPages to the previous page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetPreviousPageAsync
Move CurrentPages to the previous page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodGetPreviousPageAsync(AsyncHandle)
Move CurrentPages to the previous page and return the data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodIteratePages
Iterate through pages by repeatedly applying the argument transform and returning the data. Application is performed until an iteration moves all pages outside the edge of the table.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
Public methodMoveCurrentPages
Move CurrentPages according to transform without getting data.
(Inherited from DataPager.)
See Also