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IHubCreateSessionAppFromAppAsyncT Method (AsyncHandle, FuncResponse, T, String)

Creates a session app from a source app.

The following applies:

* The objects in the source app are copied into the session app but contain no data.

* The script of the session app can be edited and reloaded.

* The name of a session app cannot be chosen. The engine automatically assigns a unique identifier to the session app.

* A session app is not persisted and cannot be saved. Everything created during a session app is non-persisted; for example: objects, data connections.

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version:
Task<T> CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync<T>(
	AsyncHandle asyncHandle,
	Func<Response, T> onResult,
	string srcAppId


Type: Qlik.EngineAsyncHandle
Handle to asynchronous method request
Type: SystemFuncResponse, T
Continuation function
Type: SystemString
App identifier of the source app. It corresponds to qAppId returned by the CreateApp method when creating the source app. This parameter is mandatory.

Type Parameters


Return Value

Type: TaskT
See Also