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GenericObjectDestroyChildAsync Method (AsyncHandle, String, GenericObjectProperties)

Removes a child object.

It is possible to update the properties of the child's parent at the same time that the child is removed. Both operations are performed by the same call.Removing a linked object, invalidate the linking object.

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version:
public Task<bool> DestroyChildAsync(
	AsyncHandle asyncHandle,
	string id,
	[OptionalAttribute] GenericObjectProperties propForThis


Type: Qlik.EngineAsyncHandle
A string handle allowing the user to access request status
Type: SystemString
Identifier of the child to remove. This parameter is mandatory.
propForThis (Optional)
Type: Qlik.EngineGenericObjectProperties
This parameter is optional. Identifier of the parent's object and property to update. Should be set to update the properties of the parent's object at the same time the child is created.

Return Value

Type: TaskBoolean
A task with boolean as result, true if the child was destroyed successfully

Return Value

Type: TaskBoolean


IGenericObjectDestroyChildAsync(AsyncHandle, String, GenericObjectProperties)
See Also