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Concatenate is a script load prefix that enables a dataset to be appended to an already existing in-memory table. It is often used to append different sets of transactional data to a single central fact table, or to build up common reference datasets of a specific type that originate from multiple sources. It is similar in functionality to a SQL UNION operator.

The resulting table from a concatenate operation will contain the original dataset with the new rows of data appended to the bottom of that table. The source and target tables may have different fields present. Where fields are different, the resulting table will be widened to represent the combined result of all fields present in both the source table and the target table.


Concatenate[ (tablename ) ] ( loadstatement | selectstatement )

Argument Description
tablename The name of an existing table. The named table will be the target of the Concatenate operation and any records of data loaded will be appended to that table. If the tablename parameter isn't used, the target table will be the last loaded table before this statement.
loadstatement/selectstatement The loadstatement/selectstatement argument that follows the tablename argument will be concatenated to the specified table.

Regional settings

Unless otherwise specified, the examples in this topic use the following date format: MM/DD/YYYY. The date format is specified in the SET DateFormat statement in your data load script. The default date formatting may be different in your system, due to your regional settings and other factors. You can change the formats in the examples below to suit your requirements. Or you can change the formats in your load script to match these examples.

Default regional settings in apps are based on the regional system settings of the computer or server where Qlik Sense is installed. If the Qlik Sense server you are accessing is set to Sweden, the Data load editor will use Swedish regional settings for dates, time, and currency. These regional format settings are not related to the language displayed in the Qlik Sense user interface. Qlik Sense will be displayed in the same language as the browser you are using.

Function example
Example Result
Concatenate(Transactions) Load …. ; The data loaded in the load statement below the Concatenate prefix will be appended to the existing in-memory table named Transactions (assuming that a table named Transactions has been loaded prior to this point in the load script).

Example 1 – Appending multiple sets of data to a target table with Concatenate load prefix

Example 2 – Appending multiple sets of data to a target table using implicit concatenation

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