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now - script and chart function

This function returns a timestamp of the current time from the system clock. The default value is 1.


now([ timer_mode])

Return data type: dual


Argument Description

Can have the following values:

0 (time at last finished data load)
1 (time at function call)
2 (time when the app was opened)

Information noteIf you use the function in a data load script, timer_mode=0 will result in the time of the last finished data load, while timer_mode=1 will give the time of the function call in the current data load.

Examples and results:  

Scripting examples
Example Result

now( 0)

Returns the time when the last data load completed.

now( 1)

When used in a visualization expression, this returns the time of the function call.

When used in a data load script, this returns the time of the function call in the current data load.

now( 2)

Returns the time when the app was opened.

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