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CollapseLeft method

Collapses the left dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded. In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef ), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.


Name Description Mandatory Type

Path to the definition of the object to be collapsed. For example, /qHyperCubeDef .

Yes String

Row index in the data matrix. Indexing starts from 0.

Yes Integer

Column index. The index is based on the left dimension indexes. Indexing starts from 0.

Yes Integer

If set to true, it collapses all cells. Parameters qRow and qCol are not used if qAll is set to true, but they need to be set (for example to 0).

Yes Boolean

See also

Collapse or expand the left dimensions of a pivot table

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