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Single configurator

Warning noteDEPRECATED.

This feature is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the Single Integration API instead.

The Single configurator is a tool that provides an easy way of creating simple mashup pages without having to write any code at all. It returns a Qlik Sense object, which is identified in an URL. The Qlik Sense object is typically a visualization from an app, for example a Line chart.

Information noteThe Single configurator creates a URL that returns a complete HTML page that contains something generic, of which an embedded visualization is an example. This URL can be embedded in a web page by including it in an iframe, for example .

Launching Single configurator

Select Single configurator from the navigation menu in Dev Hub to launch the Single configurator.

You can also launch it from a web browser, using the following links:

  • With Qlik Sense running: https://<ServerName>/dev-hub/single-configurator
  • With Qlik Sense Desktop running: http://localhost:4848/dev-hub/single-configurator

Dialog references

Single configurator example

This image illustrates Single configurator running in Qlik Sense environment, depicting the Sales per Region pie chart on the Dashboard sheet of the Beginner's tutorial app, with the Selections bar option enabled in addition to the default options. Additionally, some Selections have been applied: field = Product Group and value = Beverages.

Dialog options
Dialog option Description
Select an app

When you have launched Single configurator, it is displayed in its initial view. The available Qlik Sense apps are available from the Select an app Arrow down option.

Select an app to proceed.

Sheets and objects

After an app has been selected, the left-hand panel displays all app objects contained within the app.

Use the Search icon Search function to search for objects in the app.

Select an object to proceed.


Selected objects are displayed in the center panel, together with options that can be set in the right-hand panel (see below). The center panel displays a preview of the selected object, together with some additional information:

  • Object ID: displays the object ID of the object selected.
  • URL: displays the complete URL for the selected object, including the options set for the object. Press CTRL+C to copy the URL.
  • Iframe: displays the complete code needed to embed the selected object into an iframe. Press CTRL+C to copy the URL.
  • Apps icon: displays the rendered HTML page of the selected object in a new browser tab.
Information noteSome browsers might not support URL lengths longer than 2083 characters. Single configurator will warn you if your URL exceeds this limit.

Options you can set are displayed in the right-hand panel. Supported options are:


  • Disable selections: turns off selections. Corresponds to the noselections option in the URL.

    The Disable selections option is, by default, disabled in the Single configurator.

  • Disable interaction: turns off all interactions, like selections, tooltip and paging. Corresponds to the noInteraction option in the URL.

    The Disable interaction option is, by default, enabled in the Single configurator.

  • Disable animation: turns off animations. Corresponds to the noAnimate option in the URL.

  • Language: sets the language to be used for the object displayed.

    Corresponds to the lang option in the URL.

  • App theme: applies the theme to be used for the object displayed. Corresponds to the theme option in the URL.

  • Enable context menu: enables the context menu. Corresponds to the ctxmenu option in the URL.

    The Enable context menu option is, by default, disabled in the Single configurator.


  • Show selections bar: includes the Selection bar in the HTML page. Corresponds to the currsel option in the URL.
  • Set clear selections: clears all selections made in the app when the object is rendered. Corresponds to the select=clearall option in the URL.

    The clear all option is, by default, enabled in Single configurator.

  • Bookmarks: displays the bookmarks available in the app. Corresponds to the bookmark option in the URL. You can also clear all bookmarks previously applied.
  • Apply selections: opens a dialog where you can set selections based on fields and their values. Corresponds to the select option in the URL.
Information noteAdditional options can be set directly in the URL. See Single Integration API reference for more information.

Execution order

The execution order of rendering a HTML page containing the object and its set options is as follows:

  1. Clear existing selections (if applicable).
  2. Apply a bookmark (if applicable).
  3. Make selections in fields (if applicable).

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