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Editing an analyzer access rule

An analyzer access rule defines which users who have analyzer access to streams and apps. You can edit existing rules.

Do the following:

  1. Open the QMC: https://<QPS server name>/qmc

  2. Select License management on the QMC start page or from the Start Arrow down drop-down menu to display the overview.

  3. Select Analyzer access rules in the panel to the right.
  4. Select the rule you want to edit.

  5. Click Edit in the action bar.
  6. Edit the properties.


    Identification properties
    Property name Description
    Disabled Select to disable the rule. By default, the rule is enabled.
    Name Name of the rule.
    Description Description of the rule.


    Basic properties
    Property name Description
    Resource filter Definition of the types of resources for which the rule will be evaluated.
    Actions Actions that the rule will grant.
    Operator descriptions
    Operator Descriptions and examples

    This operator is not case sensitive and returns True if the compared expressions are exactly equal.

    Example: = ”a*”

    The user named exactly a* is targeted by the rule.


    This operator is not case sensitive and returns True if the compared expressions are equal.

    Example: like ”a*”

    All users with names beginning with an a are targeted by the rule..


    This operator is not case sensitive and returns True if the values in the compared expressions are not equal.

    Example: !=

    All resources that do not have the same name as the user are targeted by the rule.

    When using multiple conditions, you can group two conditions by clicking Group. After the conditions have been grouped, you have the option Ungroup. Additional subgrouping options are Split and Join. The default operator between conditions is OR. You can change this in the operator drop-down list. Multiple conditions are grouped so that AND is superior to OR.


    Advanced properties
    Property name Property
    Conditions Resource conditions, user conditions, and combined conditions that need to be met for the rule to apply.
    Validate rule Click to validate the rule syntax. Resource conditions, user conditions, and combined conditions that need to be met for the rule to apply.


    Tags properties
    Property Description
    Tip noteIf no tags are available, this property group is empty.

    Connected tags are displayed under the text box.


    User properties
    Property name Description
    Name Name of the user.
    Permitted action Action that the user is allowed to perform.
  7. Click Apply to save the updates.

Successfully added is displayed at the bottom of the page.

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