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Security rules example: A customer case

The following example presents a customer case where a flexible solution was developed to suit the customer's needs regarding security rules.

User directory structure

The customer had the following user directory structure that they wanted to reuse.


Example user directory structure 1
Role Access Content
Developer Folder connection Excel files
Admin QMC access Apps, App objects, Tasks
Audience 1 Stream Dashboard 1, Dashboard 2, Dashboard 3
Audience 2 Stream Dashboard 4, Dashboard 5, Dashboard 6

The structure shows that the customer has multiple projects in their Qlik Sense deployment, which consists of a number of roles:

  • Developers, who are allowed to develop material for this project using a folder connection.
  • Admins, a kind of super users, who are allowed to administer resources in the project.
  • Audiences, users who are allowed to consume defined sets of dashboards through streams connected to the respective audience.

Adding security roles and project groups

The following table reuses the original user directory structure, but adds security role and project group as two new properties.

Project (proj_X)

Example user directory structure 2
Role (security role) Project (project group) Content
Developers (role_dev) DC_ProjectX (projX_dev) Excel files
Admin (role_admin) QMC access (projX_admin) Apps, App objects, Tasks

Audience 1 (role_ext)

(No role = Read access)

Proj1_Aud1 (projX_aud1) Dashboard 1, Dashboard 2, Dashboard 3

Audience 2 (role_ext)

(No role = Read access)

Proj1_Aud2 (projX_aud2) Dashboard 4, Dashboard 5, Dashboard 6

The new properties are used to define the different groups:

  • Security role: defines what actions a user is allowed to perform (create apps, add sheets, export data, and so on).
  • Project group: decides what projects and which project resources that a user is allowed to access.

Implementing the new properties

Project groups are implemented through the use of custom properties, which give access to projects and resources. Security roles are implemented in the user directory.

There are a number of benefits to this approach:

  • The number of rules needed to describe the security policy is reduced.
  • Rules change slowly. The system is configured through attributes, and it is only when security needs to be changed that rule changes are required.
  • User management and provisioning of permissions are maintained in the user directory.

What rules need to be created?

One rule is needed for resource access.

New resource access rule
Setting Value
Name ResourceAccess

Resource filter

Stream_*, DataConnection_*
Conditions ((
Actions Read

This rule will grant a user access to a resource, if the resource custom property GroupAccess contains the group name of the user. For this to work, a custom property called GroupAccess is needed, containing all user groups.

The Edit custom property screen. The Name value is set to GroupAccess, and all user groups are added.

This rule can be connected to streams and data connections. The rule makes it is possible to grant users in the groups access to streams using a custom property.

The edit stream screen. The Name field contains Proj1_Aud1.

In this example, the proj1_aud1 group has been added in their user directory access to the Proj1_Aud1 stream. If additional groups need access, they can be added to the custom property.

The next rule to be created defines who should be allowed to administer the streams.

Stream administration rule
Setting Value
Name TeamAdminRead
Resource filter Stream*,App*,ReloadTask*,SchemaEvent*,Tag*,CompositeEvent*,ExecutionResult*,CustomProperty*,DataConnection*
Conditions ( (resource.resourcetype="App" and = or (resource.resourcetype="App.Object" and = or (resource.resourcetype="ReloadTask" and = or (resource.resourcetype="DataConnection" and resource.@AdminGroup = or resource.resourcetype ="SchemaEvent" or resource.resourcetype ="CompositeEvent" or resource.resourcetype = "Tag" or resource.resourcetype ="ExecutionResult" )
Actions Read, Update

Description of the rule: if you are part of the admin group for a stream, you can manage resources related to the apps published in that stream.

For this to work we need to create the custom property AdminGroup containing the names of the groups that contain admins for the projects.

The Edit stream screen. The value proj1_admin (1) has been added to the AdminGroup field.

In this example, users in the group proj1_admin have administrative access to resources related to apps in this stream.

What security roles need to be created?

Three different security roles have been defined:

  • role_admin: users who need to be able perform admin tasks
  • role_dev: users who need to be able to perform development work in projects
  • role_ext: users who need to be able to extend apps

The admin role requires two rules. This following rule gives users in the role_admin group access to sections in the QMC.

Admin QMCrule
Setting Value
Name TeamAdminSections
Resource filter QmcSection_App,QmcSection_DataConnection,QmcSection_ContentLibrary,QmcSection_App.Object,QmcSection_Task, QmcSection_ReloadTask, QmcSection_Event, QmcSection_SchemaEvent, QmcSection_CompositeEvent
Conditions (("role_admin"))
Actions Read

The following rule gives users in the role_admin group the possibility to create, among other things, apps, reload tasks, and data connections.

Admin creation rule
Setting Value
Name TeamAdminCreate
Resource filter App*,ReloadTask*,SchemaEvent*,CompositeEvent*,ExecutionResult*,DataConnection*
Conditions (("role_admin"))
Actions Create

The role_ext rule is created by tweaking a default rule. Only users in the group role_ext are allowed to extend apps with new sheets. To add flexibility, a new custom property (Extendable) is added to apps. An app marked Extendable allows all users to add sheets to that app.

Setting Value
Name CreateAppObjectsPublishedApp
Resource filter QmcSection_App,QmcSection_DataConnection,QmcSection_ContentLibrary,QmcSection_App.Object,QmcSection_Task, QmcSection_ReloadTask, QmcSection_Event, QmcSection_SchemaEvent, QmcSection_CompositeEvent
Conditions ! and resource.App.HasPrivilege("read") and (resource.objectType = "userstate" or resource.objectType = "sheet" or resource.objectType = "story" or resource.objectType = "bookmark" or resource.objectType = "snapshot" or resource.objectType = "embeddedsnapshot" or resource.objectType = "hiddenbookmark") and !user.IsAnonymous() and ("role_dev" or"role_ext" or"Yes")
Actions Create

Finally, for the developers, another rule is tweaked, so that only developers in the role_dev group are allowed to create apps.

Developer creation rule
Setting Value
Name CreateApp
Resource filter App_*
Conditions !user.IsAnonymous() and"role_dev"
Actions Create


With this setup you can manage Qlik Sense through the groups in your user directory and when you add content to Qlik Sense, you only use the attributes to define what the groups should have access to.

Information noteThis approach, where roles are separated from groups, assumes that users do not have different roles in different projects. If users have different roles, you need to create separate roles for each project.


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