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Silent upgrading

You can silently upgrade the current Qlik Sense installation. All setup options that are available in the user interface of the installer can be performed with silent operations.

  1. Select Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

    The Command Prompt window is displayed.

  2. In the Command Prompt window, navigate to the folder containing the Qlik_Sense_setup.exe file.

  3. Enter Qlik_Sense_setup.exe followed by the silent installation syntax preferred.

  4. If applicable, .NET Framework 4.8 will be installed. You must reboot the system after it has finalized.

    When the system has re-started, repeat the steps above.

  5. If applicable, recreate the Qlik Sense root certificate according to this Support article: Recreating Qlik Sense root CA certificate when upgrading to June 2019 and above.

    Applicable for all Qlik Sense deployments originally installed with version June 2019 or earlier.

Information noteNote that elevation will take place if run from an unelevated process and the UAC is on.
Information noteIf your current deployment includes custom configuration files, they are by default retained during the upgrade process. See: keepcurrentsettings and Considerations about custom configurations.


Qlik_Sense_setup.exe [-silent] {-log path\filename} {accepteula=1|0} {desktopshortcut=1|0} {skipstartservices=1|0} {installdir=path} {userpassword=password} {dbpassword=password} {keepcurrentsettings=1|0} -
Qlik_Sense_setup.exe -? or -h Brings up the on-screen silent setup help.


-silent (or -s) - Command line-driven setup without UI.(mandatory).
-log (or -l) [log file name with path]

Log file directory and log file name.

Information noteThe user must have access to this directory.


Arguments are separated by space and presented in the form [Argument]="[Value]". The double quotes can normally be omitted but may be needed, for example, when a path contains spaces.

The default values are the same as those used in the setup user interface.

accepteula 1|0

Accepts the Qlik User License Agreement.

Warning noteThis argument is mandatory, and you must accept the QULA to upgrade successfully.
desktopshortcut 1|0 (defaults to 1 on clean installs) Installs desktop shortcuts.
skipstartservices 1|0 (defaults to 0 on clean installs, otherwise the current state.) To skip starting services after the installation has finished.
installdir [path to custom install directory] Need only be defined if the default install directory will not be used (%ProgramFiles%\Qlik\Sense).
userpassword [password] The password of the user used to run the services.
dbpassword [password]

Password for the database superuser that creates the user that runs the database.

bundleinstall dashboard,visualization Includes the dashboard and visualization bundles.
keepcurrentsettings 1|0 (defaults to 1) In Upgrade, persists current service settings for the following service config files: Repository.exe.config, Proxy.exe.config, Scheduler.exe.config, and Services.conf.

The default values are the same as those used in the setup user interface.

Example: Upgrading the installation

This example shows how to silently upgrade an installation and add desktop shortcuts.

Qlik_Sense_setup.exe -s desktopshortcut=1 accepteula=1

Deprecated command line arguments

For a list of the command line arguments that are no longer recommended, see Installing silently.

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