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Configuring audit trail for Qlik NPrinting

You can activate and deactivate writing to audit logs.

Audit trail for Qlik NPrinting is disabled by default. Enabling audit trail for Qlik NPrinting may impact performance. The performance impact will affect importing users and filter operations the most.

You can set retention policy for audit logs in the database. Once the database logs reach the set parameters they will be deleted to ensure consistent performance. The following are the parameters:

  • Max days - The maximum number of days to keep logs.
  • Max size (GB) - The maximum amount of space the database will use.

To configure audit trail for Qlik NPrinting do the following:

  1. Go to Settings and select the Audit tab.
  2. Select Enable event logging.
  3. Enter the Max days to keep event logs.
  4. Enter the Max size (GB) to set the maximum amount of space the database will use.
Warning noteThe cleanup will happen to logs that meet either condition (Max days or Max size (GB)), they do not need to meet both.
Information note

When the maximum size limit is met:

  • Events exceeding the limit are deleted from the event audit table
  • The database may reuse space from deleted rows or effectively shrink disk usage depending on the specific disk usage and table fragmentation.

While this means that the total disk usage will not grow after cleanup, a certain time lapse may be needed to have an effective disk space reduction.

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