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Types of selections in visualizations

When you analyze your data, you have different ways of making selections. The charts and tables have different selection patterns. Some selection types are particularly useful for certain visualizations. The following table displays which kinds of selections that are supported in the visualizations.

Selections that are supported in the visualizations
Visualizations Click selection Draw selection Range selection Lasso selection Legend selection Label selection
Bar chart Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Box plot Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes
Combo chart Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Distribution plot Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filter pane Yes Yes - - - -
Gauge - - - - - -
Histogram Yes Yes Yes Yes - -
KPI - - - - - -
Line chart


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Map Yes Yes - Yes Yes -
Pie chart Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes
Pivot table Yes Yes - - - -
Scatter plot Yes Yes Yes Yes - -
Table Yes Yes - - - -
Text & image - - - - - -
Treemap Yes Yes - Yes - -
Waterfall chart - - - - - -


  • You cannot make selections in Gauge, KPI, Waterfall chart, and Text & image visualizations.
  • Legend selection is not available in a visualization when coloring by expression.
  • Range selection is only available on the dimension axis for stacked bar charts or combo charts, and box plots.
  • You cannot select a measure by name.

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