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Custom oAuth apps

This article discusses situations that may arise when building a custom oAuth app.

Scenario 1: Qlik Application Automation for OEM logo in oAuth flows

In this default scenario, your end-customers will see a Qlik Application Automation for OEM app to authenticate on cloud platforms using oAuth, such as Salesforce, Hubspot, MS Dynamics and others.

This means that your customers will see the Qlik Application Automation for OEM logo and name in the authorization popup when they activate an integration and they link their own instance of e.g. Hubspot. Example:

A Request for Integration Permissions page.

A Request for Integration Permissions page. The Qlik Application Automation for OEM and Hubspot logos are visible at the top.

Scenario 2: your logo in oAuth flows

In this scenario, your end-customers will see your app to authenticate on cloud platforms using oAuth, such as Salesforce, Hubspot, MS Dynamics and others.

This means that your customers will see your logo and name in the authorization popup, when they activate an integration and they link their own instance of e.g. Hubspot. Example:

Your Request for Integration Permissions page.

A Request for Integration Permissions page. The Qlik Application Automation for OEM logo and a placeholder for your logo are visible at the top.

This scenario requires you to register your own app on one or more platforms. This process does not require any development, but it does typically require you to create a developer account, enter details, upload a logo, and sometimes go through an approval process.

Once the app is created on a given platform (e.g. Hubspot), you have to send your client_id and client_secret to Qlik Application Automation for OEM in a secure manner, and Qlik Application Automation for OEM will configure your own custom oAuth app for that connector.

Sending your app details toQlik Application Automation for OEM

Please put the details in a text file, add the text file to a zip file with a password and send the zip file to support, without including the password of the zip file. We will reply to confirm receipt, and we will provide you with a mobile phone number to send the password of the zip file using SMS.

How to create an oAuth2 app

The following methods are available for creating an oAuth2 app.



Office 365 (and Azure in general)

MS Dynamics CRM 365


Exact Online



Other cloud platforms

Contact Qlik Application Automation for OEM support if you need help with a particular platform.

App Settings

Please use following redirect URI in the app configuration:

For private instances, contact us to get the correct redirect URI for your instance.

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