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Using QlikView with automation and macros


QlikView is equipped with an Automation interface (Automation was previously known as OLE Automation). This interface allows an external program or internal macro to access and control the QlikView application.

Control QlikView with automation

Learn how to control QlikView with automation and macros.

Controlling QlikView with automation and macros

Invoke macros

Learn how to invoke different types triggers as macros for document, field, variable, sheet and button events.

Invoking macros

QlikView COM API reference

This documentation provides a description of the QlikView Automation interface. The documentation is supplemented by a special corresponding QVW file: APIguide.qvw.

QlikView COM API reference

Visual Basic programming language

Learn the differences between VB, VBA and VBS.

Visual Basic programming language

Automation examples

See examples of how to automate QlikView.

QlikView Automation examples


  • Some specifications may be changed during the continued development.
  • As changes are made to the QlikView type library in future releases VB programs using this interface will have to be recompiled with an updated reference to the QlikView type library in order to function with the new release.
  • The QlikView automation interface lets you manipulate QlikView objects on a very deep internal level. Incorrect use of functionality may cause program errors.

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