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Qlik GeoAnalytics Connector

Qlik GeoAnalytics Connector brings a straightforward geographic analysis toolkit to Qlik via an integrated connector.

The GeoAnalytics Connector allows you to integrate and map geographic relationships to your data model, with many use cases:

  • Determining how many customers are living within a 15-minute drive.
  • Linking GPS positions to venues, regions, or a road network.
  • Building custom sale regions from a list of municipalities.
  • Finding the closest hospital for a list of patients.
  • Populating postal areas for an existing set of addresses.
  • Many more.

The GeoAnalytics Plus version is a separate installation that makes it possible to access local databases and files and do unlimited calculations.

When you install Qlik GeoAnalytics for either Qlik Sense or QlikView, the GeoAnalytics Connector is automatically installed with it. For installation information, see Installing Qlik GeoAnalytics for Qlik Sense or Installing Qlik GeoAnalytics for QlikView, and their respective sub-pages.

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