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The Qlik JIRA connector lets you fetch data from your JIRA projects and project issues and load it into your Qlik Sense or QlikView apps.

Supported offerings

  • Qlik Sense Desktop
  • Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
  • QlikView

This connector must be installed separately.

Ways to access your data

To access your JIRA data, you need to authenticate the connector with your JIRA account credentials. Make sure that your credentials only contain ASCII characters. Enter the JIRA base URL to which you want to connect, and your JIRA username and password. Your credentials are saved to the connector.

Loading data from tables

After you authenticate the connector with your account credentials, you can use the following tables to select and load data: 

Tables that can be loaded
Table Description
Projects Use this table to fetch the list of JIRA projects that you have access to.
Issues Use this table to fetch the issues in a project. You need the project key or ID to run this table.
WorkLog Use this table to fetch the work history for a JIRA issue. You need the JIRA issue key or ID to run this table.
Comments Use this table to fetch the comments for a JIRA issue. You need the JIRA issue key or ID to run this table.
History Use this table to fetch the history of a JIRA issue. You need the JIRA issue key or ID to run this table.

Working with the JIRA API quota limits

The Qlik Web Connectors use the JIRA API to extract data from JIRA and load it into your Qlik Sense app. While reloading you JIRA-based app, you might receive an error message that the connector has reached the JIRA API rate limit and that all subsequent API calls will fail until the connector falls back under the throttling limit. If you receive this error message, then you have exceeded one of the API rate limits.

You receive an error message that you have reached the API rate limit

Reference - JIRA documentation

You can refer to the JIRA REST API documentation to learn more about the requirements and restriction imposed by the JIRA API.



You receive an error message that you have reached the API rate limit

Possible cause  

You have exceeded the API limits that are imposed on the Qlik Web Connectors by the JIRA API.

Proposed action  

To reduce the impact of reaching the API rate limits, develop your app with the following in mind:

  • Extract only the data you need.
  • Reload one JIRA-based application at a time.
  • Ensure that loops in your script that make API calls will not result in infinite loops.

You cannot authenticate the connector using your JIRA credentials

Possible cause  

Your JIRA login, your JIRA password, or both contain non-ASCII characters.

Proposed action  

Try changing your credentials through your JIRA account, or use a different JIRA account.

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