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Navigating in the app interface

Build and explore data analytics applications with Qlik Cloud.

App overview

When you open an app from the hub, you arrive at the app overview.

See all the content that the app contains, such as sheets, stories, and bookmarks and navigate between the different views.

For more information, see:

App overview of Qlik Sense cloud UI

Insight Advisor

Insight Advisor helps you explore data and create analyses.

Insight Advisor uses the Qlik cognitive engine and a logical model of app data to create visualizations and analyses in an app. As an app creator, Insight Advisor helps you create app content. As a business user using apps for analysis, Insight Advisor helps you create analyses outside of what is available in the app.

For more information, see Creating visualizations with Insight Advisor.

Insight Advisor

Manage data

Load and manage data using the Data manager, the data catalog, Data load editor, and the Data model viewer.

Data manager

Add data sources and load data without using scripts in the Data manager.

Associate the data manually or based on recommendations in the Associations view. View and manipulate tables in the Tables view.

For more information, see Data manager.

Data manager of Qlik Sense cloud UI

Data catalog

Use the data catalog to load data from the files that you have access to.

View and select data to load from all the data files to which you have access. Associate and manipulate the data in Data manager or Data load editor.

For more information, see Loading data from the data catalog.

Data load editor

Load data using scripts in the Data load editor.

You can edit a script manually, or it can be generated by the Data manager. If you need to use complex script statements, you need to edit them manually.

For more information, see Data load editor.

Data load editor in a Qlik Cloud app.

Data model viewer

See the data structure of the data that you have added to your app in the Data model viewer.

Preview data and view metadata for a table or a field and create dimensions and measures from fields.

For more information, see Data model viewer.

Data model viewer of Qlik Sense cloud UI


You can configure tabular report output to be generated from the app.

Upload templates and a distribution list, and create filters and report tasks. These elements control what is included in the report output, who receives the reports, and how the reports are delivered.

For more information, see Tabular reporting with Qlik Cloud Analytics.

The app's Reporting section

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