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Entity details

To access entity details, select the icon view entity (view) icon on the tile or row of the entity.

Catalog tile

Entity Details: Note that in addition to Entity Information and KPI Scoring Detail; Field Statistics and Metadata, Properties, and Related Entities accordion tabs expand and display for the entity—in the following example, “pd_field” is detailed.

Entity details

Entity details example

Add to Cart to include the single entity in a dataset or create a dataset with it; add it to a Publish, Explore, or Prepare dataflow; or Publish to Qlik Sense and Publish to PowerBI.

To access a Lineage Report for the entity, select the Lineage icon.

Entity lineage report

Entity lineage graph example showing upstream and downstream activity

To view sample data for the entity, select Sample Data.

Sample data for the entity

Sample data displays for entity pd_field

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