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What's new in Qlik Sense November 2022

This section provides Qlik Sense business users, analytic creators, and data integrators a summary of the features and improvements available in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows.

Information note

Qlik Sense administrators should review the What’s New section in the Qlik Sense for Administrators documentation set.

Qlik Sense developers should review the What’s New section in the Qlik Sense for Developers documentation set.

Augmented analytics

Auto-generate an analysis using Insight Advisor Analysis Types

Let Insight Advisor auto-generate your analysis, complete with visualizations, narrative readouts, even entire sheets. Choose the type of analysis from a variety of available options, such as comparison, ranking, trending and more. Select your data with guidance from Insight Advisor, and then let Insight Advisor generate the rest. Edit the analysis and add it to dashboards for further exploration. With Analysis Types, Insight Advisor supports multiple paths to insight including auto-analysis when you select fields, natural language search, and now auto-generating the analysis when you select an analysis type, for a more directive approach.

Example questions in Insight Advisor

App creators can now provide example questions in Insight Advisor within the business logic layer of an app. This allows them to customize the questions to their specific analytic content, and thereby help users learn how to use natural language. When users ask questions, the examples appear in a drop-down menu from which users can select, modify, and submit the question. In Insight Advisor Chat, example questions from across your apps will be available.

Adding example questions to Insight Advisor

Insight Advisor Search

Insight Advisor Search provides an improved Insight Advisor experience in-app, allowing users to easily auto-generate the most relevant analyses and insights from their data. A new Discovery button opens Insight Advisor, where users can select fields and generate insights without having to navigate away from their current sheet. The new Ask Insight Advisor search box is now visible at all times within dashboards, allowing users to easily generate insights using natural language processing. Auto-generated visualizations and analyses can be refined and added directly to dashboards for further exploration.

Creating visualizations with Insight Advisor

Improvement to Insight Advisor Chat's support for follow-up questions

Insight Advisor Chat improves support for follow-up questions with the Explore this further option. The option takes you directly to search-based discovery within apps for deeper analysis. When you ask follow up questions to an original question and select Explore this further, the app opens with the selections applied for the full line of questioning, allowing you to continue visually where you left off conversationally.

Exploring apps with conversational analytics

Visualizations and dashboards

Custom tooltips for KPIs

App developers can add custom tooltips to KPIs. Previously, tooltips could not be added to objects without dimensions.

Time series decomposition chart functions

Several new functions allow you to decompose a time series dataset into trend and seasonality. The trend function identifies direction in the data, and the seasonality function determines seasonality with a known periodicity. The residual function identifies variation that is not associated with seasonal or trend components (noise). With these functions, you now have increased visibility into the patterns and trends in your time series data so you can better plan future action.

New sub-toolbar

Navigate quickly and use the tools that you need in the redesigned navigation bar and toolbar in Qlik Sense.

Navigation bar

New distribution functions from Cephes library

The following distribution functions from the Cephes library have been added, allowing you to perform more advanced statistical analysis of simulations.

These distribution functions can be used in both the data load script and in chart expressions.

Statistical distribution functions

Font styling with map charts

App developers can now style the font used for titles, subtitles, and footnotes in map charts, giving them more options for customizing their visualizations.

You also now have the option to customize font properties (family, size, and color) for labels in several types of map layers. This applies to point, area, chart, and line layers.

Advanced map properties


ODBC database connector performance increase

ODBC data sources have increased performance when working with larger datasets. All new connections automatically use the Bulk Reader feature.

Instead of loading data row by row, the Bulk Reader works with larger portions of data in the iterations within a load. This can result in faster load times for larger datasets. To activate this feature in existing connections, open the connection properties window by selecting Edit and then click Save. No other connection properties need to be changed.

ODBC databases

Update to MongoDB connector

The MongoDB connector in Qlik Sense Client-Managed has been improved with new security features. You can now use SCRAM-SHA-256 and LDAP authentication options when defining your MongoDB connection.

Create a MongoDB connection

Qlik Web Connectors included in Qlik Sense Enterprise Client-Managed

The following Qlik Web Connectors are now available in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows without the need for Qlik Web Connectors to be separately installed: Facebook Insights, Google Ads, Google Calendar, Google Search Console, Outlook 365, Mailbox IMAP, Microsoft Dynamics CRM V2, OData, Qualtrics, SMTP, SurveyMonkey, and YouTube Analytics.

Built-in Web Connectors

Data and platform

Improvements to navigation in the hub

Certain options in the Qlik Sense Enterprise hub have been re-arranged for a better user experience. The user profile icon has been moved to the top right corner in the toolbar. Clicking on this icon will open up the global menu with the following options:

  • Profile: Click the icon at the top of the menu to view your user ID and directory.

  • Client authentication: A Qlik Sense administrator can allow users to authenticate their client against Qlik Sense. This item is not enabled by default. For more information, see Configuring client authentication.

  • Dev Hub: To learn more, see Dev Hub.

  • About: Access your license agreement, version information, and third-party software information.

  • Help: Redirects to Qlik help documentation for your Qlik Sense version.

  • Privacy Policy: Learn more about how Qlik manages privacy in its products.

  • Log in: If you are using Qlik Sense as an anonymous user, you can log into your account.

    This option will only be available if your administrator has allowed users to use the Qlik Sense deployment anonymously. For more information, see Anonymous authentication.

  • Log out: If you have logged into your account, use this option to log out.

  • The hub

Documentation improvements and additions

Updates to scripting topics

Scripting topics covering date and time functions, number interpretation, and scripting prefixes have been improved. Qlik Cloud Help has added new examples to the documentation.

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