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What’s new in Qlik Sense November 2020

Visual analytics and usability improvements

Images in custom tooltips

Users can now load custom images in tooltips for more styling options. They can feature an image from the media library or reference one by a URL. This offers further flexibility and enhanced options for app development, as images are a great way to provide additional context when hovering over an object. Custom tooltip properties have been updated for bar, line, pie, bullet, scatterplot, combo, and treemap charts.

Image components

Other chart improvements

  • The ability to hide disclaimers in charts; a user can now decide whether the disclaimer for additional data points should be visible or not. The showDisclaimer property has been added to the bar, line, pie, scatter plot, treemap, distribution plot, and box plot chart properties.

    barchart properties

  • Extended functionality in table mini charts, including others, and null.

    table properties

Usability look and feel

A new modern Qlik Sense theme for better-looking apps. It introduces a modern look and feel with clean styling options for color and font selections, ensuring apps have a fresh appeal by default and are consistent with the Qlik brand.

Custom themes

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