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Start proxy


Qlik Sense performs the following procedure:

  1. The Qlik Sense Proxy Service (QPS) creates a proxy.
  2. The QPS starts the proxy.
  3. Hardware information is collected.
  4. The QPS writes the hardware information in the logs.
  5. The QPS installs the certificates.


In case of success, log entries are written in the following files throughout the procedure:

  • <MachineName>_AuditActivity_Proxy.txt
  • <MachineName>_Service_Proxy.txt


Error occurred while retrieving hardware information

Error occurred while retrieving hardware information error
Description Command=Start proxy;Result= -1;ResultText=Error occurred while retrieving hardware information
Message The message may vary.
Action Check the registry settings.

Proxy will not be listening to port '443'

Proxy will not be listening to port '443' error

Port collisions may occur when internal services are started during the startup of the QPS:

Command=Start internal service;Result=-2147467259;ResultText=Error: Only one usage of each socket address

Message Proxy will not be listening to port '443' (most likely bound by another process)

Proceed as follows:

  1. Make sure that port 443 is available for Qlik Sense to use.
  2. Restart the Qlik Sense services.

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