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Editing apps

You can edit apps that you have update rights to.

Do the following:

  1. Open the QMC: https://<QPS server name>/qmc

  2. Select Apps on the QMC start page or from the Start Arrow down drop-down menu to display the overview.

  3. Select the apps that you want to edit.

    You can also select apps from stream associations.
  4. Click Edit in the action bar.The number next to Edit indicates the number of items in your selection that you are allowed to edit.

    The App edit page opens.

  5. Edit the properties.


    Identification properties
    Property Description
    Name The name of the app.
    Owner The owner of the app.
    Created The date and time that the app was created.
    Last modified The date and time that the app was last modified.
    File size (MB) The file size of the app.


    Tags properties
    Property Description
    Tip noteIf no tags are available, this property group is empty.

    Connected tags are displayed under the text box.

    Custom properties

    Information noteIf no custom properties are available, this property group is not displayed at all (or displayed but empty) and you must make a custom property available for this resource type before it will be displayed here.
    Click Apply to save your changes. If a mandatory field is empty, Apply is disabled.
  6. Click Apply in the action bar.

Successfully updated is displayed at the bottom of the page.

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