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The Documents tab contains the following pages:

  • Source Documents
  • Information noteThis page is only available if a valid QlikView Publisher (QVP) license was installed.

  • User Documents

On these pages, the source documents and the user documents can be managed.

QlikView Document Types and Functions

Each 'document' mentioned in the QlikView Management Console (QMC) environment assumes a 'QlikView document', that is, a file with the extension .qvf or .qvw, which can be opened by a QlikView Server (QVS), and which can be of one of the following states:

  • Document
  • Source document
  • User document

A source document is managed by a QlikView Publisher (QVP), that is, a QlikView Distribution Service (QDS), whilst a user document is managed by a QVS. A document is not managed, but is still a QlikView document, and as soon as it is managed by either a QDS or a QVS, it is referred to as a source document or a user document, respectively.

A user document can be created from a source document managed by a QDS, by using the reduce function, and by using the distribute function, to let a QVS manage the user document. A user document can also be created by using the QlikView Desktop, and stored in a QVS folder. A user document distributed by a QDS will not include any script.

A source document includes one script. The contents of a source document always overrules the contents in a user document that is created from the source document. This means that any change in the source document will overwrite both data and meta data in the user document, for example, when a task is executed. This can be avoided by using different user document names, using a document name template.

A document is a source document that is distributed to an e-mail recipient or to a folder outside of the QVS and QDS environment, that is, the document is not managed.

Users can access user documents via a front-end, that is, a QlikView AccessPoint, whilst administrators can access source documents via a back-end, that is, a QDS.

A source document contains the script and a layout. When the script is executed at reload, a user document is created. Source documents, including the script and the layout, are created by QlikView Developers.

QVF support in QlikView

You can save QlikView documents as QVF files, and you can export QlikView QVF files from Qlik Sense SaaS to open them in QlikView.

Supported functionality

  • Save and re-save QlikView documents as .qvf files from QlikView Desktop.

  • Create QlikView documents as .qvf files from QlikView Desktop.

  • Open QlikView documents saved as QlikView .qvf files or exported from Qlik Sense SaaS in QlikView Desktop, Ajax client, Plugin client, and Open in Server.

Limitations for QlikView QVF files

  • Cannot open Qlik Sense .qvf files in QlikView.

  • QlikView macros are not supported.

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