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Status Bar

Below the sheet, the status bar is found. Choose View and Status bar to toggle it on or off. Some interesting information is displayed here:

On the left side of the status bar, several things can be shown: the text Ready may be shown when QlikView is ready for selections; if the cursor is moved over a graphical chart, the coordinates are shown.

It is also possible to obtain help to the left on the status bar. When clicking a command or a button without releasing the mouse button, help is displayed. If the mouse cursor is moved outside the command or the button before the mouse button is released, the command will not be executed.

In the middle of the status bar a time stamp is displayed. It shows when the last reload of data was performed.

An AND-indicator is shown if the active object is in and mode.

On the right side of the status bar, the number of distinct optional (or selected) values over the total number of distinct values in the active list box is presented, preceded by a D.

Further to the right, preceded by an F, the frequency of the active field is presented, showing the number of records in the table where the field first occurs over the total number of records.

Finally a selection indicator is shown on the status bar. It will be green if selections are made that cannot be seen on the current sheet.

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