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Logical tables

Each LOAD or SELECT statement generates a table. Normally, QlikView treats the result of each one of these as one logical table. However, there are a couple of exceptions from this rule:

  • If two or more statements result in tables with identical field names, the tables are concatenated and treated as one logical table.
  • If a LOAD or SELECT statement is preceded by any of the following qualifiers, data is altered or treated differently:
Logical table qualifiers
Qualifier Description
concatenate This table is concatenated with (added to) another named table or with the last previously created logical table.
crosstable This table is converted from crosstable format to column format.
generic This table is split into several other logical tables.
info This table is loaded not as a logical table, but as an information table containing links to external info such as files, sounds, URLs, etc.
intervalmatch The table (which must contain exactly two columns) is interpreted as numeric intervals, which are associated with discrete numbers in a specified field.
join This table is joined by QlikView with another named table or with the last previously created logical table, over the fields in common.
keep This table is reduced to the fields in common with another named table or with the last previously created logical table.
mapping This table (which must contain exactly two columns) is read as a mapping table, which is never associated with other tables.
semantic This table is loaded not as a logical table, but as a semantic table containing relationships that should not be joined, e.g. predecessor, successor and other references to other objects of the same type.

When the data has been loaded, the logical tables are associated.

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