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Design Toolbar

Design toolbar image

The QlikView design toolbar (see above) contains buttons for tasks to perform when creating or changing the layout of a document. By default, this toolbar is not displayed. To toggle the design toolbar on or off choose Design Toolbar under Toolbars on the View menu. The figure above and the text below refer to the default contents of the design toolbar.

Design Toolbar buttons and options
Option Description
Add Sheet Adds a new sheet to the document.
Promote Sheet Moves the active sheet one step further to the left.
Demote Sheet Moves the active sheet one step further to the right.
Sheet Properties Opens the Sheet Properties dialog, from which it is possible to modify the active sheet.
Create List Box Creates a list box to display the field of choice from the database table.
Create Statistics Box Creates a statistics box, which calculates statistical entities based on the possible values of a field.
Create Table Box Creates a table box, suitable for showing record-oriented information.
Create Multi Box Creates a multi box, suitable for showing different attributes.
Create Chart Creates a chart that can be made to display fields and calculated dimensions.
Create Input Box Creates an input box, suitable for displaying and entering data into QlikView variables.
Create Current Selections Box Creates a current selections box, suitable for displaying the current selections directly in the layout.
Create Button Creates a button object that performs actions in QlikView, e.g. shortcut, export etc.
Create Text Object Creates an object for displaying text information or images.
Create Line/Arrow Object Creates a line/arrow object, suitable for drawing a line or an arrow in the layout.
Create Slider/Calendar Object Creates a new slider/calendar object.
Create Bookmark Object Creates a new bookmark object.
Create Search Object Creates a new search object.
Create Container Creates a new container.
Create Custom Object Creates a new custom object.
Create Time Chart The time chart wizard helps to build charts where a given measure (expression) should be qualified and often compared by different time periods, e.g. current year, last year, year-to-date etc.
Format Painter

This button makes it possible to copy formatting from one sheet objects to one or many other sheet objects. In order to copy formatting to a single object, first click on the source object, then single-click on the format painter button and then click on the target object. In order to copy formatting to multiple objects, first click on the source object, then double-click on the format painter button and then click on each of the target objects. Stop the copying by clicking the button again or pressing Esc.

When copying formatting between sheet objects of different types or when the user click on the caption of the target object(s), only border/caption properties will be copied. When copying between sheet objects of the same type, additional object type specific properties will be copied.

Design Grid Toggles the design grid for object allignment.
Align Left Aligns the active sheet objects along their left border.
Center Horizontally Aligns the active sheet objects along their center on the horizontal axis.
Align Right Aligns the active sheet objects along their right border.
Align Bottom Aligns the active sheet objects along their bottom border.
Center Vertically Aligns the active sheet objects along their center on the vertical axis.
Align Top Aligns the active sheet objects along their top border.
Space Horizontally Distributes the active sheet objects on the horizontal axis with equal spaces between them.
Space Vertically Distributes the active sheet objects on the vertical axis with equal spaces between them.
Adjust Left Arranges the active sheet objects from the vertical edge of the left-most object and to the right with minimal spaces between them.
Adjust Top Arranges the active sheet objects from the horizontal top edge of the topmost object and downwards with minimal spaces between them.
Document Properties Opens the Document Properties dialog, from which it is possible to modify the settings of the current document.
User Preferences Opens the User Preferences dialog, where it is possible to modify settings concerning the way the user works.
Edit Module Opens the Edit Module dialog where macros and custom defined functions can be written in VBScript or JScript.
Table Viewer Opens the Table Viewer dialog where the data table structure is displayed.
WebView Mode Toggles WebView mode, which uses the internal web browser in QlikView to display the document layout as an AJAX page.

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