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Migrating NodeGraph 3 to 4


The default installation folder has changed from:

C:\Program Files\TechLab10\NodeGraph


C:\Program Files\NodeGraph

The default program data folder has changed from:





Due to changes in the licensing model, your NodeGraph 3 license is not compatible with NodeGraph 4. Please request a new license via your reselling Partner or contact NodeGraph if you are a direct customer.

Running NodeGraph 3 and 4 on the same machine

NodeGraph 3 and NodeGraph 4 can coexist on the same machine due to the changes in folders used as mentioned above. Keep in mind however, that both NodeGraph 3 and NodeGraph 4 use port 4114 as the default. This needs to be changed to be able to use both versions simultaneously. Please refer to section NodeGraph server configuration for more information. NodeGraph 3 can be manually started or registered as a service.

Settings Migration Tool

Setting up NodeGraph 4 as a clean installation is recommended.

The Upgrade Tool can be used to convert existing settings and to create default connectors to Qlik to be used as a starting point with setting up NodeGraph 4. Read the included README.txt file for more information.

The tool can be downloaded via the following link:

NodeGraph Upgrade Tool

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