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The Governance Dashboard Server sheet provides summary and detailed data on QlikView Server performance.

Performance summary

The Performance Summary sheet covers key statistics on errors, warnings, and restarts. It displays four periods: today, yesterday, the last seven days, and the last 28 days.

The Performance Summary also charts the maximum amount of RAM used hourly over a selected period. You can select years, months and days. You can also select nodes.

The maximum CPU usage is also charted, and you can select years, months and days. You can also select nodes just as with RAM usage.

The Performance Summary also charts the maximum amount of virtual memory committed over the last 21 days. The line graph displays the maximum number of QVWs loaded with the virtual memory.

Performance details

The Performance Details sheet contains three tables. The Server Performance Detail table displays performance indicators by month for each node. The Performance Pivot table provides an hourly breakdown as well and allows you to control the display of the time periods and nodes.

The details displayed in the Server Performance Detail and Performance Pivot table cover:

  • Maximum CPU
  • Maximum RAM
  • Reloads
  • Concurrent apps
  • Concurrent users
  • Total users
  • Total sessions
  • Errors and warnings

The third table on the Performance Details sheet is the Performance Timeline. It displays the details covered in the other tables on a timeline by node. It is also a pivot table and can be reorganized.

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