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Sense Profile Score

The Sense Profile Score sheet provides relative scoring of QlikView apps as they relate to compatibility with Qlik Sense.

The Sense Profile Score consists of a score for App Adoption Rate with deductions due to sheet Object Density (how many objects per sheet) and Object Compatibility (how many sheet objects are not compatible with Sense).

The Sense Profile Score does not indicate a measure of effort required to migrate a QlikView app to Qlik Sense, rather it provides relative ranking of apps based on usage and compatibility with Sense. Object Compatibility is based on which sheet objects in QlikView are available in Qlik Sense April 2019 (including what are available in the Sense Extension Bundles).

Although certain design elements of QlikView apps impact app compatibility with Qlik Sense – such as triggers, macros, layers, and certain chart properties – these elements are not included in the Sense Profile Score because they are not available in the QlikView app (qvw) metadata and, therefore, are excluded from this analysis.

The score requires Session logs as well as Audit logging enabled in QlikView Server, as well as access to the qvw files which have been distributed to the QlikView Access Point.

More detailed information about the individual measures comprising the Sense Profile Score is available in the "Sense Profile Score" sheet in the Governance Dashboard app.

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