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Recurring labels and expressions

One of the key benefits provided by the Governance Dashboard is the ability to rapidly identify the expressions used internally within your QlikView applications and view them according to how their presentation objects are labeled.  This capability provides focus on possible inconsistent definitions of key performance indicators across multiple QlikView applications in your deployment.

The Expressions section on the Objects sheet shows a list of all labels and expressions used in sheet objects across all of your QlikView applications. The Expressions table lists the unique expressions, sorted in order of descending number of labels (# of Labels). When an expression has multiple labels, it might indicate a lack of consistency in naming conventions across apps or even within the same app.

The Expression Labels table lists the unique labels used across all sheet objects in your QVWs and is sorted in order of descending number of definitions. The # of Definitions column shows how many expressions across all sheet objects in your QVWs use the same label.  When labels have multiple definitions, it might be an indication that there are different underlying meanings for the same label, and they should be reviewed for consistency. It might even be that a label is defined with multiple expressions within the same QVW. Select a label to see which QVWs use it, and select individual QVWs from the QVW Name list to see how many different expressions exist for that label in individual QVWs.

In the case of the label Budget, for example, it is used 26 times in 5 QVWs and has 18 different expressions. It is highly likely then that this label has different expressions even within single QVWs.

When Budget is selected in the Expression Labels list, we see the expressions it has in the Expressions table. The expressions are all different. This could create a problem if the different expressions are used in the same QVW. However, it can be seen in the In x QVWs column of the Expressions table that each unique expression only exists in one QVW. Nevertheless, it might be wise to verify whether the definition of Budget should be consistent across certain apps.

Expressions can also be defined with different labels. When the Clear button in the QlikView ribbon bar is selected, we can see all the labels and expressions again. The seventh expression in the Expressions list, count(CaseNumber), has a # of Labels value of 9. The expression has nine different labels. The expression can be selected, and the labels that use it are displayed in the labels list.

The inconsistent labels could cause confusion if they are used in the same QVW. To check that, we look at the column In x QVWs in the Expression Labels table to see how many QVWs it appears in. It turns out that each label only appears in a single QVW.

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