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Create a user configuration script

A user configuration script is a load script (.qvs) file that contains user-defined variables that specify paths for the Profile directory, files to scan, Server and Publisher log files, QlikView Repository (QVRP) paths, and other values specified on the Configuration sheet.

User configuration scripts make it possible to use a single Governance Dashboard profile in different deployment environments. Variations in the directory locations can be altered by supplying different copies of the external load script. It is also possible to include logic in the script to detect the environment and set the variables accordingly.

The script syntax is:

LET vInputProfilePath = ;

LET vInputFilePath = ;

LET vInputServerPath = ;

LET vInputPublisherPath = ;

LET vInputQVPRPath = ;

LET vInputMonthsOfHistory = ;

LET vInputDaysOfHeatmapHIstory = ;

Each statement must be followed by a semicolon. If the semicolon is missing, the scan produces a run time error.

The script's file name is specified in the field that appears when User Configuration Script is turned on. If the file is in the default location (C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\) you can enter the name of the file only. If it is not in the default location, you must enter the full path.

When the scan profile is reloaded, the external script is executed and referenced variables are expanded accordingly.

When specifying variable names in the input fields, save the QVW changes BEFORE testing the scan in QlikView Desktop, and DO NOT save the changes AFTER running the scan because the variables will be expanded and the variable references lost.

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