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Bitly V2

The Bitly V2 Connector enables you to select data from your Bitly account, such as link clicks by country or by referring page, and load it into your Qlik Sense app or QlikView document.

Warning noteThe Bitly V2 connector is no longer supported as of June 2022.
Tip note

The Qlik Web Connectors help you connect to different data sources and fetch data in the same way. Learn how to authenticate a data source connection and how to use tables to fetch data.

Connecting to data sources

Supported offerings

  • Qlik Sense Desktop
  • Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
  • QlikView

This connector must be installed separately.

Ways to access your data

To access your Bitly data, you need to authenticate the connector with your Bitly account credentials.

Loading data from tables

After you authenticate the connector with your account credentials, you can use the following tables to select and load data:

Tables that can be loaded
Table Description

Returns information about the authenticated user.

LinkHistory Returns link history entries from the authenticated user. Entries are returned in reverse chronological order.
Clicks Returns the number of clicks for a Bitlink or an equivalent URL.
Countries Returns the number of clicks by country for a Bitlink or an equivalent URL.
Referrers Returns the number of clicks by referring page for a Bitlink or an equivalent URL.
Expand Returns the long URL for a Bitlink.
Info Returns information, such as creation date and author, about a Bitlink or an equivalent URL.
ClicksByDay Returns the number of clicks per day for the previous seven days for a Bitlink.

Returns a custom request. To build a Bitly request URL:

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