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Encrypting connection strings in QlikView

By default the connectors in the QlikView Qlik ODBC Connector Package scramble sensitive information such as credentials, certificates, and private keys. To increase security you can also encrypt sensitive information, using industrial encryption standards.

To encrypt the connections strings the system administrator must change the EnableCredentialEncryption setting in the configuration file QvOdbcConnectorPackage.exe.config from false to true, for each connector that needs to be encrypted. It is possible to enable encryption per connector.


<add key="oracle-EnableCredentialEncryption" value="false" /> <add key="postgres-EnableCredentialEncryption" value="false" />

Setting value="false" to value="true" allows you to enable encryption for that particular data source.

The QvOdbcConnectorPackage.exe.config file is located in the following locations for installations of QlikView: ...\Common Files\QlikTech\Custom Data\QvOdbcConnectorPackage

Warning noteWhen you enable the encryption for a specific connector the QlikODBCConnectorPackageKey is going to be generated and then stored in Widows vault. Windows vault access is restricted to the specific user. This means that the connection string cannot be used on another machine.

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