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Filter Preferences

You may specify filter Preferences including:

  • Apply Filters Automatically – When checked, if you update or define a new filter, the results are updated automatically. Otherwise, the an APPY button appears in the UI and you must click this button to update the results.
  • Ignore Connection Objects – not show objects which are part of connection definitions, such as ETL sources and targets, or BI sources. These are not a part of the actual data store models (databases, files, etc.) and are often not important for data analysis.
Information note

Ignore Connection Objects only removes from the search results those matching objects which are actually contained inside connection models. Simply because the word “connection” is in the object type name does not mean they are a part of the connection models. E.g., objects of type, connectioncolumn are not removed from the search results.

Apply Filters Automatically or Manually

Depending upon the worksheet Apply Filters Automaticallypreferences settings, worksheets will either:

  • Apply Filters Automatically is checked – Every action, such as to update the filter, add a column set preferences, etc., will cause the worksheet to re-run the query
  • Apply Filters Automatically is un-checked – You must click the APPLY button (which is only available in this mode) to re-run the query. The button is highlighted when a refresh of the query would produce new results.

Information note

Depending upon how your group preferences are configured, you may not be able to adjust the Apply Filters Automatically.

Ignore Connection Objects

If Ignore connection Objects is checked – Do not include objects which are part of a connection definition (used for stitching), e.g., in BI or DI tools.

This is a very valuable option for nearly all users and is checked by default. Connection objects are often just repeats of the objects in data stores (which they are connected to after stitching), so this option removes a large number of redundant results.

Validate Filter

Select this entry to validate the current filter for MQL syntax validity.

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