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Behaviors of filters for setting the foreign key filter


You can define as many conditions as needed when setting the foreign key filter.

When setting the foreign key filter using multiple conditions and predicates, pay attention to the following:

  • The predicates Or, And, and Not are now available for use.
  • The Not predicate is applied only to the condition on which it is defined.
  • When multiple conditions are defined, the or or and predicate on the last condition is not used to combine conditions.
  • When multiple conditions are used, if the Not predicate is defined on a condition except the last condition, the And predicate is used to combine the condition on which the Not predicate is defined and its next condition.
  • The predicates are applied to the conditions according to their sequential order. For example, if four conditions C1, C2, C3, C4 are defined in the following order:
        C1    and
        C2    or
        C3    not
        C4    none

    The predicates are applied to the conditions in this way (((C1 and C2) or (not C3)) and C4).

  • The value of the String type can be entered with or without double quotes when defining a condition.

Below is an example of using multiple conditions and predicates when setting the foreign key filter. Four conditions are defined in a foreign key filter as shown in the table, and they are combined to be (((C1 or C2) or (not C3)) and C4), which means only the foreign key values whose name contains Shirt or Hat, or does not contain Talend, and change status contains Pending will be filtered.

XPath Operator Value Predicate Condition Alias
ProductFamily/Name Contains "Shirt" or C1
ProductFamily/Name Contains "Hat" or C2
ProductFamily/Name Contains "Talend" not C3
ProductFamily/ChangeStatus Contains "Pending" none C4

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