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Working with stories

In this section you will find how to work with stories. For instance, you can understand how to create, duplicate and change settings for a story.

Creating new stories

Faça o seguinte:

  1. Click Story Mode to view the stories, from the app overview or sheet view.

  2. Click Create new or Create new story.

    A new story is created, with the title My new story.

  3. Give your story a meaningful title and add a description, if you want.
  4. Click outside the text area to save the title and description.

The new story is saved.

Editing stories

When you load data into an app you analyze the data to get new insights. You can present your new insights in a new story or in a edited version of an existing story. For more information, see Carregando e gerenciando dados com o Gerenciador de dados and Carregando e transformando dados com scripts.

A snapshot's state and selections will not be updated at a data reload. It will always reflect the data that existed at the point in time the snapshot was taken. However, live data sheets are not static and will be affected by a data reload.

You can replace a snapshot of a visualization on a slide by going to its source, in the app. The visualization will now have updated data. You can take a new snapshot to use in your story.

When you take a snapshot you can make an annotation for your snapshot. The annotation helps you distinguish between the different snapshots in the snapshot library when you build your story. The annotation is not visible when you play the story.

Nota de dicaIf you want to keep the original story, make a duplicate of it before you start editing.
Nota de dicaYou can download the story if you want to present it outside of Qlik Sense.

Changing the titles and descriptions of stories

You can change the title and description of your stories.

Observe o seguinte:

  • To change the name or description of a story, the app must be in your personal cloud or group workspace.

Faça o seguinte:

  1. In the app overview, click Story Mode Stories.
  2. Realize uma das seguintes ações:
    • If you are in grid view, Grid View, click the story title followed by clicking Edit.
    • Se estiver na visualização de lista, List view, clique em Edit.
  3. Edite o Título e a Descrição.
  4. Click outside the text area.

As alterações feitas são salvas.

Nota de dicaYou can also change a story’s title and description in the story navigator at the top right.

Changing the thumbnails of stories

You can replace the default thumbnail of a story with another thumbnail, to make it easier to distinguish between stories in the app overview and in the story navigator. You can use one of the default images, or an image of your own.

Faça o seguinte:

  1. In the app overview, click Story Mode Stories.
  2. Realize uma das seguintes ações:
    • If you are in grid view, Grid View, click the story title followed by clicking Edit.
    • Se estiver na visualização de lista, List view, clique em Edit.
  3. Clique em Image na miniatura padrão.

    A Biblioteca de mídia é aberta.

  4. Click on a folder in the media library, for example In app or Default.

  5. Select the image you want to use as a thumbnail for the story and click Insert.
  6. Clique em Checkmark para parar a edição.

The image you selected is now used as a thumbnail for the story, and is visible in the story navigator and in the app overview.

Nota de dicaYou can also change a story’s thumbnail in the story navigator at the top right.
Nota de dicaA proporção entre altura e largura ideal de uma miniatura é 8:5 (largura:altura).

Há suporte para os seguintes formatos: .png, .jpg, .jpeg e .gif.

Para o Qlik Sense: Você pode carregar imagens para a pasta No aplicativo na biblioteca de mídia. É necessário usar o Qlik Management Console para carregar imagens na pasta padrão.

Para o Qlik Sense Desktop: Você pode colocar imagens na seguinte pasta no seu computador: C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Content\Default. As imagens estarão disponíveis na pasta padrão na biblioteca de mídia. Ao mover um aplicativo entre instalações, as imagens que você usa no aplicativo são salvas no arquivo qvf junto com o aplicativo. Quando você abrir o aplicativo em um novo local, as imagens estarão na pasta No aplicativo na biblioteca de mídia do aplicativo.

Nota informativaYou can only add or change the thumbnail of an unpublished story.

Duplicating stories

You can duplicate any story, regardless of whether it belongs to the app or if you created it yourself. The purpose of duplicating stories is to save time by reusing content, and to modify the duplicate to fit your needs.

A duplicated story contains the same content as the original story, and is linked to the same snapshots. The duplicated story will not be updated if the original story is updated. Duplicated stories appear under My stories in app overview and in the story navigator.

Duplicating a story from app overview

Faça o seguinte:

  1. Click Story Mode on the left-hand side to show the stories of the app.

  2. Right-click a story.

    O menu de atalho é aberto.

  3. Click Duplicate.

The new story is created. It is located under My stories.

Nota de dicaYou can also duplicate a story when you are in storytelling view, using the story navigator Story Mode.

Deleting stories

Faça o seguinte:

  1. Click Story Mode to view the stories, from the app overview.

  2. Right-click the story you want to delete.

    O menu de atalho é aberto.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click Delete, to confirm that you want to delete the story.

The story is deleted from the app.

Nota de dicaYou can also delete a story in the story navigator Story Mode.

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