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Advanced Field Settings

This dialog can be accessed from Multi Box Properties: Presentation, Table Box Properties: Presentation and Chart Properties: Dimensions. The image options described below are unavailable for bitmap charts.

Image Options

Image options descriptions
Option Description

The following alternatives are given:

When selecting this option the expression values will always be interpreted and displayed as text.


When selecting this option QlikView will try to interpret each expression value as a reference to an image. The reference may be a path to an image file on disk (e.g. C:\Mypic.jpg) or inside the QlikView document (e.g. qmem://<Name>/<Peter>). If QlikView cannot interpret an expression value as a valid image reference, the value itself will be displayed.

Info as Image
When selecting this option QlikView will display image info linked to the field value via info load/select in the script. If no image info is available for a field value, the value itself will be displayed, unless the Hide Text When Image Missing box is checked. The option is not available for bitmap charts.

Image Formatting Only available when the image options have been selected above. This setting describes how QlikView formats the image to fit in the cell. There are four alternatives.
No Stretch
If this option is selected, the image will be shown as is, without any stretching. This may cause parts of the picture to be invisible or only part of the cell to be filled.
If this option is selected, the image will be stretched to fit the cell without bothering about keeping the aspect ratio of the image.
Keep Aspect
If this option is selected, the image will be stretched as far as possible to fill the cell while keeping the aspect ratio. This typically results in areas either on both sides of or above and below which are not filled by the image.
Fill with Aspect
If this option is selected, the image will be stretched to fill the cell in both directions while keeping the aspect ratio. This typically results in cropping of the image in one direction.
Hide Text When Image Missing If this option is selected, QlikView will not display the field value text if interpretation as an image reference fails for some reason. The cell will then be left blank.
Selection Style Override When images are shown instead of text it may be necessary to use another selection style than the document default so that the logical state of the field values remains visible. Use the drop-down list under Selection Style Override to select a suitable selection style, e.g. Corner Tag.

Search Options

This group allows you to control certain aspects of text search applicable to opened multi boxes and drop-down select in tables.

Search options descriptions
Option Description
Include Excluded Values in Search This setting specifies whether excluded values should be included in text searches. The following alternatives are available:
<use default>
The default as specified under User Preferences applies.
Excluded values are always included in text search.
Excluded vales are never included in text search, whereas optional values are included as usual.
Default Search Mode This setting specifies the initial default search mode to be used in text searches. The mode can always be changed on the fly by typing * or ~ as part of the search string. The following alternatives are available:
<use default>
The default as specified under User Preferences applies.
Use Wildcard Search
The initial search string will be two wildcards with the cursor between them to facilitate a wildcard search.
Use Fuzzy Search
The initial search string will be a tilde (~) to denote a fuzzy search.
Use Normal Search
No additional characters will be added to the search string. Without wildcards, a Normal Search will be made.

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