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Logs and error codes

All alerts from the QlikView services appear in the Windows event log.

Logging from QlikView Server

Detailed session logs are found in the logging directory, which is specified on the System>Setup>Logging tab in QlikView Management Console (QMC). The default location is %ProgramData%\QlikTech\QlikViewServer.

Log files can be set to split (that is, create new) daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or never. Performance log intervals can be set from one minute and higher.

Information note Setting the interval to be very small, for example, only one minute, may negatively impact the performance.

Session Log

A session is defined as a single user connected to a single document.

Information note The session log is updated each time a session ends. This means no log entry is created when a session starts.

The file name of the session log is Sessions*.log, where * reflects the server name and the split interval. Each entry of the session log contains the fields listed below.

List of entries for the session log
Entry Description
Exe Type

Type of QVS build.

Example: “RLS64” = 64-bit release build

Exe Version

Full version number of QVS.

Example: “11.00.11076.0409.10”

Server Started Date and time when QVS was started.
Timestamp Date and time when the log entry was created.
Document QlikView document that was accessed.
Document Timestamp File timestamp of the document that was accessed.
QlikView User QlikView section access user ID (if used).
Exit Reason

Reason for session termination:

  • “Socket closed” = Client-induced termination
  • “LRU” = Terminated as Least Recently Used in favor of new user
  • “Shutdown” = Server-induced termination for other reasons
Information noteThis is not a complete list, as the exit value in some cases comes from the operating system.
Session ID The ID of the session.
Session Start Time when the session was started.
Session Duration Duration of session in hours:minutes:seconds.
CPU Spent (s) CPU seconds spent by the session.
Bytes Received Bytes received by the server during the session.
Bytes Sent Bytes sent by the server during the session.
Calls Number of QlikView calls during the session (bidirectional).
Selections Number of QlikView selections made during the session.
Authenticated User Authenticated Windows NT® user ID (if any).
Identifying User Client user identification.
Client Machine Identification

The client machine identification.

By default, this is the universally unique identifier (UUID) receiver from the call to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

If the UUID is unavailable, one of the following IDs may display instead:

  • MAC address of the computer
  • Computer name
  • Unique machine ID (if the browser used in the session was in a private mode)
Serial Number Serial number of the QlikView client (installed clients only, that is, QlikView Desktop and QlikView plugin).
Client Type

Client type used:

  • “Windows Exe” = QlikView Desktop and QlikView plugin
  • “Ajax” = all clients that use the QVPX protocol
  • “Unknown”
Client Build Version Build version of the QlikView client.
Secure Protocol

Secure protocol used:

  • “On” when encrypted communication is used (typically Windows clients).
  • “Off” when non-encrypted communication is used.
Tunnel Protocol “Tunnel” when QVS tunnel communication is used.
Server Port Port used by the server.
Client Address Client IP number for the client that is connected to the server (through the port specified in the Server Port field above).
Client Port Client port.
CAL Type

Client Access License (CAL) type:

  • “User” = Named User CAL
  • “Session” = Session CAL
  • “Usage” = Usage CAL
  • “Document” = Document CAL
CAL Usage Count Number of Usage CALs.

Performance Log

The performance log is updated at the interval specified on the System>Setup>Logging tab in QMC. The default interval is five minutes. Additional entries are added whenever the server is started or stopped. The file name of the session log is Performance*.log, where * reflects the server name and the split interval.

Each entry of the log contains the fields listed below.

List of entries for the performance log
Entry Description
Exe Type

Type of QVS build.

Example: “RLS64” = 64-bit release build

Exe Version

Full version number of QVS.

Example: “11.00.11076.0409.10”

Server Started Date and time when QVS was started.
Timestamp Date and time when the log entry was created.

Entry type:

  • “Server starting” = Startup
  • “Normal” = Normal interval log entry
  • “Server shutting down” = Shutdown
ActiveDocSessions Number of document sessions* that has shown activity during the interval and still exists at the end of the interval.
DocSessions Total number of document sessions* that exists at the end of the interval.
ActiveAnonymousDocSessions Number of document sessions* with anonymous user that has shown activity during the interval and still exists at the end of the interval.
AnonymousDocSessions Total number of document sessions* with anonymous user that exists at the end of the interval.
ActiveTunneledDocSessions Number of document sessions* with tunneled connection that has shown activity during the interval and still exists at the end of the interval.
TunneledDocSessions Total number of document sessions* with tunneled connection that exists at the end of the interval.
DocSessionStarts Number of document sessions* that has been initiated during the interval.
ActiveDocs Number of documents loaded at the end of the interval in which there has been user activity during the interval.
RefDocs Number of documents loaded at the end of the interval for which there is a session at the end of the interval.
LoadedDocs Total number of documents loaded at the end of the interval.
DocLoads Number of new documents loaded during the interval.
DocLoadFails Number of documents that has failed to load during the interval.
Calls Total number of calls to QVS during the interval.
Selections Number of selection calls during the interval.

Number of distinct IP addresses that has been active during the interval and still exists at the end of the interval.

Information noteTunneled sessions and multiple users originating from the same IP cannot be distinguished.

Total number of distinct IP addresses connected at the end of the interval.

Information noteTunneled sessions and multiple users originating from the same IP cannot be distinguished.

Number of distinct NT users that has been active during the interval and still exists at the end of the interval.

Information noteAnonymous users cannot be distinguished.

Total number of distinct NT users connected at the end of the interval.

Information noteAnonymous users cannot be distinguished.
CPULoad Average CPU load from QVS during the interval.
VMAllocated(MB) Size in MB of the virtual memory allocated by QVS at the end of the interval**.
VMCommitted(MB) Size in MB of the virtual memory actually used by QVS at the end of the interval. This number is part of VMAllocated(MB) and should not exceed the size of the physical memory in order to avoid unacceptable response times.
VMFree(MB) Size in MB of the unallocated virtual memory available to QVS**.
VMLargestFreeBlock(MB) Size in MB of the largest contiguous block of unallocated virtual memory available to QVS. This number is part of VMFree(MB).
UsageCalBalance “-1.00” = There are no Usage CALs.
CacheHits Number of generic cache hits
CacheLookups Number of generic cache lookups
CacheObjectAdded Number of objects added to the generic cache
CacheBytesAdded Number of bytes added to the generic cache
CacheTimeAdded Time spent adding new objects to the generic cache
CacheReplaced Number of objects replaced in the generic cache

*One user + one document = One document session.

**VMAllocated(MB) + VMFree(MB) = Total maximum virtual memory space available to the QVS process.

Server-side Extension Log

The file name of the server-side extension (SSE) log is SSE*.log, where * reflects the server name and the split interval. Each entry of the SSE log contains the fields listed below.

List of entries for server-side extension log
Entry Description
  • Debug: Information useful to developers for debugging purposes. This level is not useful during normal operation since it generates vast amounts of logging information.
  • Info: Normal operational messages that may be harvested for reporting, measuring throughput, and so on. No action required.
  • Warn: Not an error message, but an indication that an error may occur, if no action is taken (for example, the file system is 85% full). Each item must be resolved within a given time.
  • Error: Non-urgent failures that are relayed to developers or administrators. Each item must be resolved within a given time.
  • Fatal: Indicates a failure in a primary system and must be corrected immediately.
  • Off: No logs, except for license logs, are produced.
Timestamp Date and time when the log entry was created.
ProcessId The ID of the process from which the log message originates.
ThreadId The ID of the thread that was used when the log message was written to file.
UserId The ID of the user.
QixRequestId The ID established by the initiator of the request. If this member is not present, the RPC call is assumed to be a notification.
AppId The ID of the app that includes the call to the server-side extension (SSE) plugin through an analytic connection.
App Title The title of the app that includes the call to the SSE plugin through an analytic connection.

If the log message was created during a call to the SSE plugin, the mapping/alias of that plugin, for example, SSEPython for a Python plugin. If the log message was created without a call to the SSE plugin, for example, while initializing the SSE, the value is a dash (-).


Two elements separated by a colon that define the analytic connection to the SSE plugin.

  • <Host>: DNS name (or IP-address) of the plugin.
  • <Port>: Port on which the plugin listens, typically 50051.
For example, localhost:50051.
Message Log message.

Event Log

The event log is updated each time a log entry is made in the Windows event log by QVS. The stored information is a mirror of the information written to the Windows event log. The file name of the event log is Events*.log, where * reflects the server name and the split interval.

Use the Event Log Verbosity radio buttons on the System>Setup>QlikView Servers>Logging tab in the QMC to set the verbosity level. Depending on the verbosity level selected, the following entries are written to the Event log:

  • Low: Error messages
  • Medium: Error and warning messages
  • High: Error, warning, and information messages

Each entry of the log contains the fields listed below.

List of entries for event log
Entry Description
Server Started Date and time when QVS was started.
Timestamp Date and time when the log entry was created.

ID for the severity level:

  • 1 = Error
  • 2 = Warning
  • 4 = Information
EventID Unique ID for the event type.
Severity Event severity level:
  • Error
  • Information
  • Warning
Message Event description.

End-user Audit Log

The end-user audit log contains information on user selections, including cleared selections, activated sheets, application of bookmarks, accessed reports, and maximized objects.

A log file called AUDIT_<machinename> is saved to %ProgramData%\QlikTech\QlikViewServer.

Information noteTick the Enable Extensive Audit Logging check box on the System>Setup>QlikView Servers>Logging tab in the QMC to enable detailed audit logging (for example, logging of all selections that come with a bookmark). However, the logging of user selections in QVS is based on how the current selections object works and therefore larger selections may not be logged in detail.
List of entries for end-user audit log
Entry Description
Session ID Session ID
Server started Date and time when QVS was started.
Timestamp Date and time when the log entry was created.
Document Path and name of the document that was accessed.

Type of selection made (for example, “Selection” or “Bookmark”).

For an overview of the types available, see the table below.

User User name.

Information on the type of selection or application of bookmark that was made in the document (for example, “Apply Server\Bookmark15”).

For an overview of the messages that can be posted in this field, see the table below.

Id ID of the object that is connected to the operation (for example, "Document\SH03"). If there is no object connected to the operation, this field is empty.
Session Session number

Types and Messages in the end-user audit log

The types and messages that can be posted in the Type and Message fields in the end-user audit log are listed below.

Information note In the end-user audit log, “XXX” and “YYY” are replaced with values from the QlikView document.
Types and messages found in the end-user audit log
Type Message Description
Action action (#) [XXX]

Action # was executed with XXX. The numeric value corresponds to one of the following actions:

  • Info = 0
  • Lock All = 2
  • Unlock All = 3
  • Clear All = 4
  • Clear All Including Locked = 5
  • Back = 6
  • Forward = 7
  • File Close = 8
  • Next Tab = 9
  • Previous Tab = 10
  • Export = 11
  • Launch = 12
  • Macro = 13
  • Recall Bookmark = 14
  • Replace Bookmark = 15
  • Create Bookmark = 16
  • Print Report = 17
  • Activate Sheet = 18
  • Print Sheet = 19
  • Print Object = 20
  • Restore Object = 21
  • Minimize Object = 22
  • Maximize Object = 23
  • Activate Object = 24
  • Select Excluded = 25
  • Clear Other Fields = 26
  • Select Possible = 27
  • Lock = 28
  • Unlock = 29
  • Pareto Select = 30
Action action (#) [XXX]
  • Set Value = 31
  • Field Select = 32
  • Field Toggle Select = 33
  • Open URL = 34
  • Document Chain = 35
  • Clear Field = 36
  • Reload = 37
  • Set state = 38
  • Transfer state = 39
  • Swap state = 40
  • Dynamic update = 41
Bookmark Apply XXX Bookmark XXX was applied.
Bookmark Selection XXX Selection XXX was made because a bookmark was selected. Entries of this type are only logged when detailed audit logging is selected.
Document Document XXX Document XXX was opened or closed.
Export Sheet Object XXX Sheet object XXX was exported.
Maximize Sheet Object XXX Sheet object XXX was maximized.
Minimize Sheet Object XXX Sheet object XXX was minimized.
Print Sheet Object XXX Sheet object XXX was printed.
Report Accessed report XXX Report XXX was accessed.
Restore Sheet Object XXX Sheet object XXX was restored.
Selection Clear All All selections were cleared.
Selection XXX Selection XXX was made.
SendToExcel Sheet Object XXX Sheet object XXX was sent to Microsoft Excel.
Sheet Object Sheet Object XXX Various activities that can apply to Sheet object XXX.
Session Collaboration Session Collaboration Initiated, ID:XXX A session collaboration with ID XXX was initiated.
Session Collaboration Session Collaboration user XXX joined session, ID:YYY User XXX joined the session collaboration with ID YYY.
Session Collaboration Session Collaboration user XXX left session, ID:YYY User XXX left the session collaboration with ID YYY.

The following example shows the resulting log entry when a bookmark (“Bookmark01”) is selected. The log has been put in a table for better overview.

Example of the end-user audit log when (“Bookmark01”) is selected
Entry Value
Session ID b5134c4f-7f3d-4107-a37b-d842e9452d93
Server started 20130506T101733.000+0900
Timestamp 20130506T102328.000+0900
Document C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\Test.qvw
Type Bookmark
User QlikTech\jsmith
Message Apply Server\Bookmark01
Id Document\SH03
Session 3667

If detailed audit logging is selected, the log entry above may be followed by one or more log entries that detail the selections that were made because the bookmark was selected. In these log entries, the Type field is set to “Bookmark Selection”.

Manager Audit Log

The audit logging provides the possibility to track changes to tasks and settings in the system in order to see who made the changes and when they were made.

The audit logs are stored in %ProgramData%\QlikTech\ManagementService\AuditLog. One folder per table is created. The number of folders created varies depending on the settings of your installation. Each folder contains one file per day with the changes made to the tasks. The logs are tab separated files.

The tab below lists the entries common to all audit log files. Each audit log files contains further entries specific for each type of log file.

List of entries common to all audit log files
Entry Description
TransactionID Transaction ID, which is useful for keeping track of changes made simultaneously.
ChangeType Type of operation, Update (new or changed entries) or Delete (entries have been deleted).
ModifiedTime Time and date (in UTC) when the changes were made.
ModifiedByUser The user that made the changes in the user interface. System means that the change was initiated by the system and not by any user.
ID ID of the row (that was updated or deleted) in the table that was changed.

The following example comes from the AlertEmail table. The log has been put in a table for better overview. Not all entries are listed in this example.

Manager Audit log example from AlertEmail
Entry Value
TransactionID 455a241d-8428-4dc7-ba67-4ae7cb21cf3d
ChangeType Update
ModifiedTime 20100202T151254.000+0900
ModifiedByUser MyDomain\mjn
ID b3745325-cee7-4fe7-b681-9c9efe22fc5c
DistributionServiceID 8846d7dd-bb3f-4289-9c9b-b0ca71b7c3b2
EmailAddress mjn

The following example comes from the QDSCluster table. Note that TransactionID is the same for both examples. This means that the changes were made simultaneously. Not all entries are listed in this example.

Manager Audit log example from QDSCluster
Entry Value
TransactionID 455a241d-8428-4dc7-ba67-4ae7cb21cf3d
ChangeType Update
ModifiedTime 20100202T151254.000+0900
ModifiedByUser MyDomain\mjn
ID a37f242c-6d80-42da-a10c-1742d2ec927f
DistributionServiceID 8846d7dd-bb3f-4289-9c9b-b0ca71b7c3b2
QDSWebAdress http://computer-mjn:4720/qtxs.asmx
CurrentWorkorderID 96bff2dc-f1ea-84d2-b6c4-ea58bf5c98e5

Task Performance Summary

The task performance summary is used to log task performance information.

Proceed as follows to activate the task performance summary:

  1. Open the Settings.ini file in a text editor. The default location of the file is:
  2. C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\QlikTech\QlikViewBatch

  3. Locate the following section in the Settings.ini file:
  4. [Settings 7]



  5. Add EnableQVBProcessSummary=1 at the end of the section to activate the task performance summary.
  6. Information note The last row in the Settings.ini file must be empty.

  7. Save the Settings.ini file.
  8. Restart theQlikView Distribution Service (QDS).
  9. Once the QDS has restarted, the task log is updated.

Example of task performance summary output
Entry Value
Name qvb.exe
PID 1360
Peak CPU 50,0%
Peak Physical RAM 26.00 Mb
Peak Virtual RAM 21.69 Mb
Average CPU CPU: 1,0%
Average Physical RAM 24.47 Mb
Average Virtual RAM 20.37 Mb
Peak Total CPU 58,3%
Peak Total Physical RAM 6143.49 Mb
Peak Total Virtual RAM 12285.17 Mb
Elapsed Time 00:00:36.4692722

Reload performance log

You can enable the creation of a dedicated reload performance log .xml file for each task. This log file gathers the task reload performance metadada and process summary.

Do the following:

  1. Open the QVB Settings.ini file for which by default is located in %System32%\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\QlikTech\QlikViewBatch.
  2. Add the following line below [Settings 7]:
  3. EnableQVBReloadMetadata=1

  4. Save the Settings.ini file.

A task reload performance log .xml file is created at each execution of a reload, and saved by default in %ProgramData%\QlikTech\DistributionService\TaskResults. The name format of the .xml file is:



  • <machine-name> is the execution machine name
  • <20180904T104446> is the date and time of execution
  • <Document-name> is the name of the document reloaded

The task reload performance log file has the following reload_meta performance fields:

List of reload_meta and static_byte_size entries in the reload performance log
Entry Description
cpu_time_spent_in_ms Time spent by the CPU to perform the reload, displayed in milliseconds.
logical_cores Number of cores in the CPU.
total_memory Total physical RAM available on the machine.
static_byte_size Static memory usage for the document.

The reload performance log file has the following ProcessSummary performance fields . These entries are similar to those listed in the Task Performance Summary log file. See: Task Performance Summary.

List of ProcessSummary entries in the reload performance log
Entry Description
App Name of the document reloaded.
Date Date, displayed as: 20180904T104446.
CurrentProcessCpu Current CPU usage in percentage. For example: 99.991681.
PeakPhysMemUsedByProc Peak of physical RAM used by the processor, displayed in byte.
PeakVirtualMemUsedByProc Peak of virtual RAM used by the processor, displayed in byte.
AvgCurrentProcessCpu Average CPU usage in percentage. For example: 80.81025.
AvgPhysMemUsedByProc Average physical RAM used by the processor, displayed in byte.
AvgVirtualMemUsedByProc Average virtual RAM used by the processor, displayed in byte.
TotalCpu Total CPU available on the machine.
TotalPhysMem Total physical RAM available on the machine.
TotalVirtualMem Total virtual RAM available on the machine.

The reload performance log can also list FieldMetadata and TableMetadata entries, which describe the fields and tables visible in the Table Viewer in QlikView.

QIX performance log

The QIX performance log provides detailed information on the QIX Engine performance. By default, the QIX Performance log file is disabled.

Enabling the QIX performance log

To enable the QIX performance log, you must add the line QixPerformanceLogVerbosity to the QlikView Server Service (QVS) Settings.ini file, followed by the desired level of verbosity. For example:


The levels of verbosity for the QIX performance log are as follows:

  • 0 = Off
  • 1 = Fatal
  • 2 = Error
  • 3 = Warning
  • 4 = Info
  • 5 = Debug

If you enable the QIX performance log, and set QixPerformanceLogVerbosity to level 3 or 2, the following four levels must also be added to the Settings.ini file:





These four levels are necessary to determine when to trigger a warning or error event.

Do the following:

  1. Open the QlikView Server Service (QVS) Settings.ini file, which by default is located in: %ProgramData%\QlikTech\QlikViewServer.
  2. Add the following line:
  3. QixPerformanceLogVerbosity=3

  4. Save the Settings.ini file.
  5. Restart the QlikView Server Service (QVS).
Information noteWhen enabled, the QIX performance log file produces a considerably large amount of data. It is therefore recommended to enable this log file only for limited periods of time.

The following table lists the entries included in the QIX performance log.

List of entries in the QIX performance log
Entry Description
Timestamp Time when the engine wrote the log message to file.
ProcessId ID of the engine process from which the log message originates.
ThreadId ID of the thread that was used when the engine wrote the log message to file.
SessionId ID of the engine session for which the QIX method call was made.
CServerId ID of the server instance that handled the request.
Server Started Time when the engine started.
Method Name of the QIX method that was called.
RequestId ID of the request in which the QIX method call was handled.
Target Memory address of the target for the QIX method call.
RequestException ID of an exception (if any) that occurred as a result of the QIX method call.
AnyException Returned error code
ProcessTime Amount of time that was needed to process the request.
WorkTime Amount of time that the request did actual work.
LockTime Amount of time that the request had to wait for an internal lock.
ValidateTime Amount of time that the request used for validation.
TraverseTime Time in milliseconds spent by the thread or fiber for traversing within the Hypercube
Handle ID of the interface that handled the request. The interface can be Global, a certain sheet, a certain object, or similar.
DocId Path and name of the QlikView document.
ObjectId ID of the object included in the QlikView document.
NetRAM Current RAM allocation count in bytes.
PeakRAM Peak RAM allocation count in bytes.
ObjectType Type of object included in the QlikView document.

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