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Bookmarks menu

The Bookmarks menu is a drop-down menu at the top of the screen, and contains the following commands:

Bookmarks menu commands
Command Description
Document Bookmarks The first ten document bookmarks of the active document can be retrieved from this list.
User Bookmarks The first ten personal bookmarks linked to the active document can be retrieved from this list.
Add Bookmark From this dialog, you can edit the bookmark name. This command can also be invoked by the following keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+B.
Replace Bookmark The first ten document bookmarks are listed above the first ten personal bookmarks of the active document. The command replaces the selection state of the selected bookmark with the current state.
Remove Bookmark The first ten document bookmarks are listed above the first ten personal bookmarks of the active document. The command removes the selected bookmark.
More... Opens the Bookmarks dialog, where all previously created bookmarks for the document can be retrieved.
Import... After browsing for and selecting a previously saved bookmark (.qbm) file, the Import Bookmarks dialog will open to make it possible to import bookmarks.
Export... From this dialog, you can export selected bookmarks to a QlikView bookmark (.qbm) file.

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