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Previewing reports in the template editor

You can preview your reports while working on them in the template editor. You can preview them in their original report format, or choose an alternative. Preview mode applies report, object, and user filters.

Previewing your reports

Do the following:

  1. In the Qlik NPrinting web console, click Reports on the main menu.
  2. On the Reports screen, select your report.
  3. Click the Edit template button to open the Qlik NPrinting Designer template editor.
  4. Click the Template tab, and then click the Preview button to preview your report.

    A progress bar shows how long it will take to generate the preview. It may take several minutes, depending on the size of your report.

  5. You can continue to edit your report while the preview loads. However, these changes will not be reflected in the preview.

    You can click the Abort button on the preview progress bar, and then restart preview to see changes you have made.

  6. When you are finished editing, click Save And Close.

Previewing in different output formats

You may want to issue your report in a format that is different from its initial template. For example, you may have an Excel report you want to distribute in both .xlsx and .pdf format. You can preview the report in both formats.

Information noteQlik entity reports cannot be altered in the template editor, and therefore cannot be previewed.

Each report type has different output format options:

  • Excel: .xlsx, .xls, .xlsm, .tiff, .pdf, .html
  • Word: .docx, .doc, .html, .pdf
  • PowerPoint: .pptx, .pdf
  • HTML: .html, .htm
  • PixelPerfect: .pdf, .html, .xls, .xlsx, .png, .gif, .jpeg, .tiff
Information note Excel macros (in .xls and .xlsm files) will not run in Qlik NPrinting Designer if your Microsoft Office trust settings disable macros. This is the default setting in Excel. You can change this in Excel by going to Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Macro Settings.

Do the following:

  1. Click the Template tab, and then click the Preview icon drop-down menu to see the choice of output formats valid for your report.
  2. Select the output format you want to preview.

A preview of the report is generated in the format of your choice.

Verifying user filters applied when previewing

When generating a report preview, Qlik NPrinting applies report and object filters. Task filters are not applied, because there is no task involved in a template preview.

User filters are also applied, based on your Qlik NPrinting app connection settings. You should check your connection settings to make sure preview mode is applying the correct user filters.

Do the following:

  1. From the main menu, click the Apps drop-down, and then click Connections.
  2. Select the connection your report is using.
  3. Review your connection settings:
    1. QlikView connections
      • If the Connection requires authentication check box is not selected, the preview process uses the Windows user who is running the Qlik NPrinting Engine Windows service.
      • If the Connection requires authentication check box is selected, but the Apply user section access for reports check box is not, the preview process uses the Identity specified in the connection.
      • If the Connection requires authentication and Apply user section access for reports check boxes are both selected, the preview process uses the Windows domain user. This is the user who is running the Qlik NPrinting Designer.
    2. Qlik Sense connections

      Information noteQlik Sense connections always require authentication.

      • If the Connection requires authentication check box is selected, but the Apply user section access for reports check box is not, the preview process uses the Identity specified in the connection.
      • If the Connection requires authentication and Apply user section access for reports check boxes are both selected, the preview process uses the Windows domain user. This is the user who is running the Qlik NPrinting Designer.

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